Ring of Fetters of the Imagination
Occult Lore
Author Keith Baker, Adam Bank, Chris Jones, Scott Reeves, and Elton Robb
Series Lore
Publisher Atlas
Publish date 2002
This band of silver and ivory has a number of useful enchantments that can help a frequent dream traveler. The wearer of the ring receives the following benefits:
- The wearer is immune to the effects of the spell nightmare.
- While asleep, the user cannot be woken by any outside force. If he wishes to wake up, he may return to consciousness at any time without having to make a Wake at Will Lucid Dreaming check.
- Other lucid dreamers cannot use the Modify Chance Lucid Dreaming action to adversely affect the rolls of the wearer.
- The wearer receives a +5 to Will saves made to resist the effects of death in dreams.
- If you use the optional rule for spell failure in dreams, the user receives a +5 to the Lucid Dreaming check to see if a spell has its intended effect whenever he casts a spell.
The ring is a transient item and will travel between worlds with its owner.
Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, nocturnal stability; Market Price: 9,200 gp