Iron Teeth

This is a set of fake metal fangs, which can be fitted over normal teeth to give the wearer a bite attack.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Iron teeth appear to have been developed by certain radical social groups with a penchant for imitating vampires and other undead at disguise parties and secret gatherings. Their first designs, meant only for disguise, were wax or ceramic-based.
A character wearing them may make one bite attack per round at its base melee attack bonus; all characters are considered proficient with iron teeth. A character is not considered fighting with two weapons if he is wearing them and another weapon; however, he may make a bite attack in addition to all its other attacks in a round, at its base melee attack bonus, albeit at a 5 penalty.
For example, a character armed with the teeth and a longsword may not use both as if he was fighting with two weapons. However, he may use its bite attack at a -5 penalty at any time he uses the full attack action, regardless of his remaining weapons or attacks. If this fighter had the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat and a short sword in addition to his longsword, he could make an attack with each of his weapons at a -2 penalty (for a total of +3) and a bite attack at a -5 penalty (for a total of +0).
A character fighting with iron teeth (and no other weapon) counts as being unarmed in all respects; attacks made with iron teeth are considered unarmed attacks, plus the character benefits from the Improved Unarmed Fighting feat, if he has it, when wielding them. Iron teeth may be used to automatically damage an opponent during a grapple, instead of the normal unarmed damage.
On a natural 1 on the attack roll, a character wielding iron teeth always bites himself, suffering the appropriate damage. Furthermore,the teeth are highly uncomfortable to wear for long periods; after one hour of wearing iron teeth continuously, a character must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10, +1 per each subsequent hour after the first) or suffer one point of nonlethal damage. In addition, a character cannot eat or sleep comfortably while wearing iron teeth.
Simple Weapons | ||||||||
Unarmed Attacks (Simple) | ||||||||
Weapon | Cost | Damage (S) | Damage (M) | Critical | Range Increment | Weight | Type | Special |
Iron Teeth (bite) | 25 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | x2 | – | 1 lb. | Piercing | – |