Timeline, 4.7.4 billion years ago, Formation of our Solar System

The Solar System was formed from a large. rotating cloud of interstellar dust and gas called the solar nebula.
Hit by a shock wave from a nearby supernova a cloud of interstellar dust began to rotate. As the cloud began to accelerate, it flattened it into a disk centering its axis of rotation.
The sun is formed
The matter in the center compressed and heated and the star now known as our sun ignited.
The Planets are formed
Small collisions of matter from the elemental planes formed into clumps of with successively larger fragments of debris clumping together to form the planets.

that enriched ancient meteorites (called chondrites) with water –
– water that some believe provided an otherwise dry Earth with oceans.
- Sun – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Fire
- Mercury – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Fire/Earth – Paraelemental Plane of Magma
- Venus – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Earth/Air
- Earth – aligned with all elemental planes
- Mars – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Fire/Air Para-Elemental Plane of Smoke
- Jupiter – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Air
- Saturn – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Earth
- Neptune – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Water
- Uranus – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Water/Air – Paraelemental Plane of Ice
- Pluto (The Dead Planet) – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Earth/Water – Para-Elemental Plane of Ooze
- Planet Nine– aligned with the Elemental Plane of Air
- Nibiru (“the twelfth planet”) – aligned with the Elemental Plane of Earth
- The Moon– aligned with the Elemental Plane of Water
A last a great solar wind emanating from the the newly formed sun cleared out the material in the disk that had not already condensed into the planets.