Justice Domain
Justice is blind; it has no inherent allegiance to good or to evil. The servant of Justice receives divine gifts that allow her to enforce the laws of her land and her church the power to force truthful testimony from questionable witnesses and to bind the guilty to carry out their sentences.
Crime and Punishment
Author Keith Baker
Series Campaign Style
Publisher Atlas Games
Publish date 2003
A priest of Justice has the power to mark criminals as enemies of the church, or even cut them off from the powers of the heavens entirely.
Deities: Any god concerned with law or justice.
Granted Power: Knowledge (law) is a class skill. Add +1 to the saving throw DC of any Justice domain spell that you cast.
- Command. One subject obeys 1-word command for 1 round.
- Zone of truth. Subjects within range cannot lie.
- Indelible mark. Places a permanent mark on the victim.
- Lesser geas. Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
- Mark of justice. Designates action that will trigger curse on subject.
- Geas/quest. As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.
- Greater Mark of Justice. Designates action that will trigger malediction on subject.
- Scourge. Places one of a variety of curses on the subject.
- Imprisonment. Entombs subject beneath the earth.
An evil deity will grant painful truth in place of zone of truth. A cleric with the Justice domain can also prepare a specialized form of freedom as a 9th-level domain spell; this restricted version of freedom can only be used to release those imprisoned by another cleric of the same faith.