Lexx (1997 – 2002)
Lexx is a science fiction television series that follows the adventures of a group of mismatched individuals aboard the organic space craft Lexx. They travel through two universes and encounter planets including a parody of the Earth.
The series is a Canadian and German co-production, with some additional funding from Britain’s Channel 5. The Sci Fi Channelpurchased the series from Salter Street Films and began airing versions of Season 2 episodes for United States’ audience in January 2000.[1] Lexx was co-produced by Salter Street Films, later absorbed by Alliance Atlantis. In Canada, Lexx aired on the Alliance Atlantis-owned Showcase network. The series was primarily filmed in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) and Berlin (Germany), with additional filming on location in Iceland, Bangkok (Thailand), Namibia and London.
- “Salter Street Films’ announcement (1999)”. Findarticles.com. 1999-09-30. Archived from the original on 2010-07-01. Retrieved 2011-02-21.