God Min, God of Fertility, Sexuality and Vegetation
Min is an ancient Egyptian god of fertility and sexuality.

- Pantheon: Egyptian Pantheon
- Deity Title: God of Fertility, Sexuality and Vegetation
- Deity Symbol: An erect phallus and two long feathers
- Home Plane: Duat
- Deity Level: Intermediate
- DeityAlignment: Chaotic Good
- Aliases: Amsu, Kamutef, Menu, Minu, Amsu
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Osiris, Isis, Horus, Hathor, Geb
- Traditional Foes: Set, Apophis
- Divine Artifact: The Flail of Min
- Servants: Shemsu-Heru, Shemsu-Tehuti
- Servitor Creatures: None specified
- Sacred Animal: Bulls and goats
- Manifestations: The image of Min is said to appear during certain festivals and rituals.
- Signs of Favor: Bountiful harvests, successful pregnancies and childbirths, increased sexual potency
- Worshipers: Farmers, gardeners, women hoping to conceive, men seeking virility, prostitutes
- Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG
- Specialty Priests: None specified
- Holy Days: None specified
- Portfolio: Fertility, Sexuality, Vegetation, Harvest, Phallus
- Domains: Chaos, Good, Plant, Strength
- Favored Weapon: Flail
- Favored Class: Barbarian
- Favored Race: Half-Elf
- Duties of the Priesthood: Perform fertility rites, bless crops, offer sacrifices, tend to sacred animals
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: Akhmim, Koptos, Panopolis, Coptos
- Benefits: The ability to cast spells, increased fertility, and protection from disease and crop failure.
Min is an Egyptian god of fertility and sexuality who has been worshipped since the Early Dynastic Period. As a deity, Min is often depicted as a man with an erect phallus, a flail in one hand, and a raised arm in the other. He is considered one of the oldest gods in the Egyptian pantheon, and is associated with the creation of new life and the rejuvenation of the natural world.
Min’s origins are shrouded in mystery, but many believe he was originally a fertility god worshipped by the ancient people of Koptos. Over time, he became associated with the wider Egyptian pantheon and was considered an important deity by many pharaohs, who saw him as a protector of their royal lineage.
As a god of fertility, Min was often associated with crops, and his worshippers believed that he could ensure a bountiful harvest. They also believed that he had the power to cure infertility, and women often prayed to him for help in conceiving children.
Despite his association with sexuality, Min was also seen as a protector of young boys and was often depicted holding a young child in his arms. He was also believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and protect his worshippers from harm.
Min is often depicted as a human male with an erect phallus, wearing a tall feathered crown and a kilt made of plant stems. He holds a flail in one hand and raises his other arm in a gesture of protection. His skin is usually painted blue, a symbol of his association with the Nile River and the fertility it provides. Overall, he appears strong and virile, exuding an aura of masculine power and vitality.
Overall, Min’s main goal was to ensure the continued creation of new life, whether in the form of crops, children, or even the rebirth of the natural world. His role as a protector of young boys and warder off evil was also an important aspect of his character.
As an ancient deity, Min has seen many changes in the world over the centuries. However, he remains committed to his goal of promoting fertility and ensuring the creation of new life. In the 1450s, he observes the world from his celestial realm, keeping a watchful eye on events below.
Min is pleased to see that in many parts of the world, agriculture and industry are flourishing, and people are finding new ways to harness the power of nature to create abundance. He is also pleased to see that more and more people are beginning to recognize the importance of fertility and reproductive health.
However, Min is also aware that there are still many challenges to be overcome. In some parts of the world, war and conflict continue to disrupt the lives of millions, leading to loss of life and destruction of resources. In other areas, environmental degradation and climate change threaten to undermine the delicate balance of nature.
Despite these challenges, Min remains committed to his mission. He sends subtle messages to those who are attuned to his frequency, urging them to take action to promote fertility and protect the natural world. He also continues to offer his protection to those who seek it, warding off evil spirits and providing guidance to those who are lost.
Overall, Min’s ultimate goal is to ensure the continued creation of new life and the flourishing of the natural world. Though he may not intervene directly in world events, his influence can be felt in the subtle rhythms of nature and the deep-seated instincts of the human psyche.