Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea
Proteus is a Greek sea god who has the power to change his shape and prophesize the future.

- Pantheon: Greek Pantheon
- Deity Title: Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea
- Deity Symbol: A trident and a conch shell
- Home Plane: The Aegean Sea
- Deity Level: Lesser deity
- Alignment: True Neutral
- Aliases: The Ancient One, Master of the Waves
- Superior: None
- Traditional Allies: Poseidon, Thetis, Amphitrite
- Traditional Foes: Polyphemus, Scylla, Charybdis
- Divine Artifact: A magic staff that can transform into any living creature
- Servants: Nereids, Tritons
- Servitor Creatures: Sea serpents, giant crabs
- Sacred Animal: Seals
- Manifestations: A sea mist that covers everything in sight, the sound of crashing waves, the call of a conch shell
- Signs of Favor: A calm sea, plentiful fish, good weather for sailors
- Worshipers: Sailors, fishermen, coastal dwellers
- Cleric Alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil
- Specialty Priests: Seer of the Tides, Keeper of the Seal Herd
- Holy Days: The Summer Solstice, the Feast of the Seal
- Portfolio: Sea, sea life, shape shifting, prophecy
- Domains: Animal, Knowledge, Plant, Water
- Favored Weapon: Net
- Favored Class: Druid
- Favored Race: Merfolk
- Duties of the Priesthood: Maintain the balance of the sea and its creatures, protect the seal herds, foretell the future through divination
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Temple of Proteus on the island of Pharos, the underwater temple in the Aegean Sea
- Benefits: Ability to shape shift into any living creature, control over the sea and its creatures, access to powerful divination magic, protection from sea monsters.
Proteus is a complex and enigmatic figure in Greek mythology, known for his shapeshifting abilities and prophetic powers. As a sea god, he has the ability to manipulate water and control the tides, making him both revered and feared by those who sail the seas.
Despite his immense power, Proteus is often depicted as a solitary figure, spending most of his time alone on a remote island in the Aegean Sea. Here, he spends his days tending to his flocks of seals and contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
Although Proteus is known for his prophetic abilities, he is not always willing to share his knowledge with mortals. In fact, he is notorious for his evasive tactics, using his shapeshifting abilities to avoid answering questions or providing guidance.
Despite his elusive nature, there are some who seek out Proteus, hoping to learn from his wisdom and gain insight into the future. To do so, they must first capture him and hold him fast, an endeavor that is easier said than done.
Proteus appears as an aged and weathered figure, with a face etched with deep lines and a long, flowing beard that reaches down to his waist. His skin is weathered and tough, the result of a lifetime spent exposed to the elements. He is tall and lean, with sinewy muscles that belie his great strength. When he moves, it is with a fluid grace, as if he is one with the sea itself. His eyes, when he chooses to reveal them, are deep and piercing, hinting at a wisdom that is both ancient and profound.
For Proteus, his ultimate goal is to maintain his autonomy and independence, free from the meddling of mortals and gods alike. To achieve this, he will go to great lengths to protect his secrets and maintain his mystique, even if it means leading those who seek him on a wild goose chase or leaving them with more questions than answers.
Currently in the World

Proteus, the ancient sea god, continues to live a solitary existence on his island in the Aegean Sea in the 1450s. Despite the passage of time and the changing world around him, he remains steadfast in his ways, spending his days tending to his seals and contemplating the mysteries of the universe.
Although he is not directly involved in the events of the world, Proteus is acutely aware of them, and he watches with interest as the Renaissance unfolds and Europe begins to experience a period of great change and upheaval. He is intrigued by the advances in science, art, and philosophy, and he sees in them the potential for humanity to achieve great things.
But Proteus is also wary of the human race, having seen firsthand the destructive tendencies that they are capable of. He understands that with great power comes great responsibility, and he fears that the humans may be ill-equipped to handle the immense power that they are acquiring.
And so, Proteus remains on his island, content to observe from afar, and to maintain his independence and autonomy. He knows that the world will continue to change, and he hopes that humanity will use their newfound knowledge and power for the greater good.
For Proteus, his ultimate goal is to protect the natural world that he holds so dear, and to ensure that it remains healthy and vibrant for generations to come. He sees himself as a guardian of the sea and all its creatures, and he will go to great lengths to protect them from harm.
And so, as the world changes around him, Proteus remains steadfast in his ways, content to watch from afar and to do what he can to preserve the natural world that he loves. He knows that the future is uncertain, but he remains optimistic that humanity will rise to the challenges that lie ahead, and that they will use their newfound knowledge and power to create a brighter future for all.