Atë, Goddess of Mischief and Ruin
Atë is the Greek goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly.

- Pantheon: Greek Pantheon
- Deity Title: Goddess of Mischief and Ruin
- Deity Symbol: A white dove with a black snake in its talons
- Home Plane: Mount Olympus
- Deity Level: Lesser deity
- Alignment: Chaotic Evil
- Aliases: None
- Superior: Zeus
- Traditional Allies: Eris, Apate, Nemesis
- Traditional Foes: Athena, Hera
- Divine Artifact: None
- Servants: None
- Servitor Creatures: None
- Sacred Animal: None
- Manifestations: Appears as a beautiful woman or a vengeful spirit
- Signs of Favor: Disruptive events or unexpected good luck
- Worshipers: Tricksters, rogues, and those seeking revenge
- Cleric Alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil
- Specialty Priests: Priests of Atë are known as Atë’s Chosen and are skilled in deception, illusion, and sabotage.
- Holy Days: None Portfolio: Mischief, chaos, trickery, ruin, and vengeance
- Domains: Trickery, Chaos, Evil, Destruction, War
- Favored Weapon: Short sword
- Favored Class: Rogue
- Favored Race: Humans
- Duties of the Priesthood: To spread chaos and destruction, and to carry out acts of vengeance on behalf of the goddess.
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: None
- Benefits: Atë’s Chosen gain the ability to cast illusion spells and gain proficiency in deception and stealth skills. They are also granted the ability to inflict a curse on their enemies.
Atë is a goddess of recklessness, mischief, and delusion. She has an unnerving and unpredictable presence that can unsettle even the most stoic of individuals. Her appearance is ever-changing and can manifest as anything from a beguiling young maiden to a haggard old crone, making her difficult to pin down. Her hair is a tangled mess of dark locks that seem to writhe and twist like serpents, and her eyes are a piercing blue that can peer straight into one’s soul.
Atë is a daughter of Zeus, born from his union with Eris, the goddess of strife. Her purpose is to sow chaos and discord among mortals and gods alike, driving them to acts of reckless abandon and poor judgment. Her actions are fueled by her desire for attention and recognition, as she craves the thrill of seeing others fall victim to her machinations.
Despite her chaotic nature, Atë is not a wholly malevolent being. She believes that by pushing individuals to their limits, they can achieve greatness or reveal their true natures. However, more often than not, her influence leads to ruin and destruction, and she revels in the chaos she has caused.
In many myths, Atë is often depicted as a tragic figure, punished by the gods for her misdeeds. Her most famous act was during the Trojan War, where she convinced the warrior Hector to stand and fight Achilles, leading to his death. As a result, Zeus banished her from Olympus, condemning her to wander the earth, causing chaos wherever she went.
Despite her punishment, Atë continues to thrive, spreading chaos and confusion wherever she goes. Her true intentions are often inscrutable, and those who find themselves caught in her web can never be certain if they are being led to glory or their demise.
Currently in the World

Atë, the goddess of mischief and delusion, has been causing chaos and confusion since her creation in ancient Greek mythology. She has a long history of causing harm to both mortals and gods, often luring them into making foolish decisions and causing them to suffer the consequences.
Atë’s first act of mischief was to aid her mother, Eris, in the infamous Judgement of Paris, where she helped to sow discord among the gods by tempting Paris to choose Aphrodite as the most beautiful of the three goddesses. This act led to the Trojan War and the eventual destruction of the city of Troy.
Throughout history, Atë has continued to cause chaos and confusion, often working in secret to manipulate events and lead mortals astray. She has been known to take on different forms and personalities, often appearing as a beguiling and attractive woman, only to reveal her true nature and intentions later.
In the present day, Atë has been laying low, content to watch the mortals and gods alike continue to make their own mistakes and sow chaos without her interference. However, she is always looking for new opportunities to cause mischief and bring about destruction, and it is only a matter of time before she makes her presence known once again.
Despite her reputation as a troublemaker, Atë is a complex character with her own motivations and desires. She is often driven by a desire for revenge or a need to prove herself, and she is willing to go to great lengths to achieve her goals. At the same time, she is fiercely independent and resists being controlled by others, even other gods.
Atë’s strengths lie in her ability to deceive and manipulate others, as well as her powers of illusion and delusion. She is a master of disguise and can blend in seamlessly with mortal society, making her a difficult opponent to track down and defeat.
However, her weaknesses lie in her overconfidence and her tendency to underestimate her opponents. She can also be impulsive and reckless, often acting on a whim without fully considering the consequences of her actions.
Overall, Atë is a fascinating and unpredictable character, one who continues to hold a place in myth and legend as a goddess of mischief and deception.