Meili, “God of youthfulness and fertility”
Meili is a Norse god associated with friendship and masculinity.

- Pantheon: Norse pantheon
- Deity Title: God of youthfulness and fertility
- Deity Symbol: Unknown
- Home Plane: Asgard
- Deity Level: Lesser deity
- Alignment: Neutral
- Aliases: “The Lovely One”
- Superior: Odin (father)
- Traditional Allies: Freyr, Freyja, Njord
- Traditional Foes: Giants, Jotnar
- Divine Artifact: Unknown
- Servants: Unknown
- Servitor Creatures: Unknown
- Sacred Animal: Unknown
- Manifestations: Unknown
- Signs of Favor: Favorable weather, bountiful harvests, successful love and fertility
- Worshipers: Lovers, farmers, artists, poets, musicians
- Cleric Alignments: Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
- Specialty Priests: Priests of love, fertility, and beauty
- Holy Days: Midsummer (Summer Solstice), Beltane (May Day)
- Portfolio: Beauty, love, fertility, sexuality, desire, passion, youthfulness
- Domains: Charm, Love, Fertility, Passion
- Favored Weapon: Spear
- Favored Class: Bard
- Favored Race: Humans, Elves
- Duties of the Priesthood: Spreading beauty, fostering love and fertility, performing weddings, blessing crops and livestock
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: Unknown
- Benefits: Ability to cast divine spells, favor of Meili in love and fertility matters, protection from hostile giants and jötnar.
Meili is a god in Norse mythology, the son of Odin and the brother of Thor. As a young god, Meili was known for his beauty and charm. He was often seen as a symbol of love and fertility, and was revered by many in the ancient world.
Despite his association with love and beauty, Meili was also a fierce warrior. He fought alongside his brother Thor in many battles, and was known for his bravery and skill on the battlefield. Meili was also a skilled hunter and tracker, and was often called upon to aid in the hunt for prey.
As the son of Odin, Meili was often tasked with important duties within the pantheon of Norse gods. He was known to be a messenger of sorts, delivering important messages and orders to other gods and goddesses.
While Meili was a respected and powerful god, he was often overshadowed by his more well-known brother, Thor. However, this did not deter Meili from continuing to strive for greatness and to be a valuable member of the Norse pantheon.
Meili is described as a handsome and strikingly good-looking god, with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He is tall and well-built, with a muscular physique and a strong jawline. Meili exudes an aura of confidence and charisma, and is often depicted with a radiant smile on his face. He is often seen wearing ornate armor and carrying a powerful weapon, such as a sword or a spear.
Ultimately, Meili’s goal was to serve his father Odin and to play his part in the larger world of gods and mortals. He wanted to be remembered as a skilled warrior and a beloved member of the pantheon, and to be recognized for his many talents and contributions to Norse mythology.
Meili, the Norse God of youthfulness and fertility, is living it up in the 1450s. He has fully embraced his role as a party animal and is often found at the center of the most lively and raucous gatherings of the time. Whether it’s dancing around the Maypole during Beltane or leading the festivities at a local wedding celebration, Meili is always the life of the party.
As the 1450s sees the rise of the Renaissance and the beginnings of the Age of Exploration, Meili is particularly drawn to the art and culture of the period. He spends much of his time in the great cities of Europe, mingling with artists, poets, and musicians. He is especially fond of the new music being created and can often be found dancing wildly to the beat of the lute or harp.
Despite his carefree demeanor, Meili takes his role as the God of youthfulness and fertility very seriously. He sees himself as a champion of life and growth, and works to inspire those around him to embrace these qualities as well. He particularly enjoys spending time with young people, encouraging them to explore their passions and to never give up on their dreams.
As the Renaissance brings about a new era of intellectual and artistic growth, Meili sees an opportunity to help humanity grow and prosper. He believes that by embracing youthfulness and fertility in all its forms, people can tap into their creative potential and accomplish great things. His ultimate goal is to inspire a new generation of thinkers and creators, who will continue to push humanity forward for centuries to come.