Vali, God of Vengeance and Justice
Váli is a son of Odin in Norse mythology, associated with vengeance and retribution.

- Pantheon: Norse
- Deity Title: God of Vengeance and Justice
- Deity Symbol: An axe dripping with blood
- Home Plane: Asgard
- Deity Level: Intermediate
- Alignment: Lawful Neutral
- Aliases: The Avenger, The Just
- Superior: Odin
- Traditional Allies: Thor, Tyr
- Traditional Foes: Loki, Hel
- Divine Artifact: The Axe of Retribution, a Great axe that can only be wielded by those who have been wronged
- Servants: Valkyries, Einherjar
- Servitor Creatures: Dire wolves, ravens
- Sacred Animal: Wolf
- Manifestations: A spectral wolf, a voice in the wind
- Signs of Favor: Clear skies after a storm, successful hunts, victory in battle
- Worshipers: Warriors seeking justice, those who have been wronged and seek vengeance
- Cleric Alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
- Specialty Priests: Vengeance Seekers, Justicars
- Holy Days: The Day of Retribution (celebrated on the anniversary of a significant victory in battle)
- Portfolio: Vengeance, Justice, Retribution
- Domains: War, Justice, Retribution, Protection
- Favored Weapon: Longsword
- Favored Class: Fighter
- Favored Race: Human
- Duties of the Priesthood: To seek justice for those who have been wronged and to administer retribution to the guilty
- Major Cult/Temple Sites: The Temple of Vengeance in Asgard, the Shrine of Justice in Vanaheim
- Benefits: The ability to call upon spectral wolves to aid in battle, the power to strike down those who have committed wrongs with a single blow from the Blade of Retribution, the ability to call upon the aid of Valkyries and Einherjar in times of need.
Váli is a Norse deity associated with vengeance and retribution. He is depicted as a fierce warrior, with broad shoulders, bulging muscles, and a towering height that commands respect. His skin is a deep bronze color, weathered by countless battles, and his face is chiseled and stern, with a sharp nose and piercing eyes that seem to see straight into the soul.
Váli’s hair is a wild tangle of black locks that falls down his broad back in loose waves, and his beard is thick and unkempt, reaching down to his chest. He is often portrayed wearing a suit of armor made from dragon scales, which glints menacingly in the light, and a red cape that flutters behind him as he charges into battle.
In battle, Váli wields a massive two-handed battle-axe with deadly precision, cleaving through his enemies with ease. He moves with a grace and fluidity that belies his size, leaping and spinning to avoid attacks and strike back with devastating force.
Váli’s purpose as a deity is to exact revenge on those who have wronged others and bring justice to the oppressed. He is often called upon by those seeking retribution for crimes committed against them, and he will stop at nothing to see that justice is served. His ultimate goal is to create a world where everyone is treated fairly and justly, and where the strong do not prey upon the weak.
Despite his fierce demeanor, Váli is not without compassion. He has been known to show mercy to those who have shown remorse for their actions and seeks to rehabilitate them rather than simply punishing them. He is fiercely loyal to his allies and will go to great lengths to protect them from harm.
Overall, Váli is a powerful and imposing figure, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield and a champion of justice and fairness in the world of the gods.
Currently in the World
As a deity of vengeance and retribution, Váli has always had a fiery spirit and a relentless drive to bring justice to those who have been wronged. Born of the gods Odin and Rindr, Váli was created specifically to seek revenge against his half-brothers, the sons of Loki, for their part in the death of his brother, Baldr.
Fueled by his anger and fueled by the power of the gods, Váli set out to exact his revenge on the sons of Loki. With his sharp wit and cunning mind, he waged a campaign of terror against them, striking at them in their sleep, in their homes, and on the battlefield. For many years, Váli pursued his mission with single-minded focus, driven by his burning desire to see justice served.
However, as time passed, Váli began to see that revenge alone was not enough. He began to understand that true justice required a deeper understanding of the complex relationships and motivations that drive people to do what they do. And so, Váli began to turn his attention to other areas of the world, seeking out those who had been wronged and working to make things right.
Now, in the 1450s, Váli is a complex and nuanced figure, driven by a deep sense of justice and a desire to bring balance to the world. He is no longer simply a vengeful deity, but a powerful force for good, working tirelessly to help those in need and to bring order to a chaotic world.
His current mission is to root out corruption and injustice wherever it may be found. He has taken on a number of followers, who serve as his eyes and ears in the mortal world, and he uses their reports to guide his actions. Whether he is bringing down a corrupt government, freeing slaves from their captors, or battling demons in the underworld, Váli is always working to make the world a better place.
Of course, Váli is not without his weaknesses. His fierce temper and unrelenting drive can sometimes blind him to the needs and desires of others, and he can be quick to anger when he feels that justice has been thwarted. But his commitment to his cause and his unshakeable resolve make him a force to be reckoned with, and his followers know that he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
As Váli looks out over the world in the 1450s, he sees both hope and despair. He sees a world in which great strides have been made, but where there is still much work to be done. And so he continues on his mission, driven by his desire to see justice done and to make the world a better place for all.