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Nibiru, (“the twelfth planet”)

Light echo around V838 Monocerotis
Light echo around V838 Monocerotis

Unexplored planet beyond Neptune that follows a long, elliptical orbit, reaching the inner solar system roughly every 3,600 years. Nibiru collided catastrophically with Tiamat another planet once located between Mars and Jupiter. This collisionformed the planet Earth, the asteroid belt, and the comets. Struck by one of planet Nibiru’s moons, Tiamat split in two, one half of Tiamat fragmented and became the asteroid belt. The second half was pushed into a new orbit and became today’s planet Earth.

Nibiru is the home of a technologically advanced extraterrestrial race the Anunnaki. They evolved after Nibiru entered the solar system, and they first arrived on Earth 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and mined in Africa. Sitchin states that these “gods” were the rank-and-file workers of the colonial expedition to Earth from planet Nibiru.

Enlil suggested that to relieve the Anunnaki, who had mutinied over their dissatisfaction with their working conditions, that the Nephilim be created to find slaves to replace them in the gold mines. Human civilization in Sumer, Mesopotamia, was set up under the guidance of these “gods”, and human kingship was inaugurated to provide intermediaries between mankind and the Nephilim.

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