Warm Weather Survival (General)

You thrive in warm weather.
Originally Posted by Shadowfoot of the Wizards Community forums.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13+, Endurance.
Benefit: When travelling in warm weather (above 90° F), you need only make a Fortitude save once every day to avoid the effects of exposure. When travelling in extremely warm weather (above 110° F), you need only make a Fortitude save once every hour to avoid the effects of exposure.
Normal: A character in hot conditions (above 90° F) must make a Fortitude saving throw each hour (DC 15 +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armour of any sort have a -4 penalty to their saves. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus to this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. Characters reduced to unconsciousness begin taking normal damage (1d4 points per hour).
In extreme heat (above 110° F), a character must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15 +1 for each previous check) or sustain 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Characters wearing heavy clothing or armour of any sort have a 4 penalty to their saving throws. A character with the Survival skill may receive a bonus to this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. Characters reduced to unconsciousness begin taking normal damage (1d4 points per each 10 minute period).