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Rapidstrike (Monster)

You can attack more than once with a natural weapon.

(Draconomicon, p. 73)
Originally posted on D&D tools

  • Prerequisite: Dexterity 9, Base attack bonus +10, aberration, dragon, elemental, magical beast, or plant type, one or more pairs of natural weapons,
  • Benefit: If you have a pair of natural weapons, such as two claws, two wings, or two slams, you can make one extra attack with one of those weapons at a -5 penalty. A creature with multiple limbs qualifies for this feat as well, such as a creature with three arms and three claw attacks.
  • Special: You can take this feat once for each pair of natural weapons you have. For example, a Large dragon has one bite, two claws, two wings, and one tail attacks. The dragon can take this feat twice, once for its claws and once for its wings.
  • Normal: Without this feat, you attack once with each natural weapon.