Create Talisman (Item Creation, Witch)
With Create Talisman the witch creates the weakest of all magical items, a talisman.

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Full netbook can be found on the following website
Prerequisite: Membership of a witch tradition. Each tradition has slightly different means of teaching this feat to their new members.
Benefit: The witch may create the simplest of all magical items, a Talisman. A Talisman can hold only one spell (or cantrip, charm or hex) of a maximum of 3rd level. The talisman can be made of stone, paper, clay or any object that can be written upon. The object must be used for this purpose only. Talismans can only be used once. After use the medium that was written on become unusable for other talismans. Spells that may be used for talismans are indicated in the Witch Spell Lists.
This is an item creation feat that all witches gain for free.
The base price of this feat is 10 gp multiplied by the your level multiplied by the spell level (not the price for a similar item in the Core Rulebook II). The XP cost is 1/25 of this base cost (rounded up). The material component cost is half of the base cost. The witch or any other person regardless of class or alignment may use a talisman.
For example: a 1st level witch creates a talisman of Charm Person (1st level), she chooses to inscribe a flat piece of clay with a charm symbol. The base cost for this item is 10 gp, then the XP cost is 10/25 or 0.4 XP (rounded to 1 XP) and the material costs (clay, special incense, a special stylus) is 5 gp. So the witch will spend 5 gold pieces and 0.4 xp (rounded to 1 xp) points to make this item. Regardless of complexity, a Talisman can be made in one day.
GM’s Note: This item creation feat is designed to give the witch a more unique feel. If GM’s wish they may open it up to other spellcasters when they have the ability to cast 3rd level spells. |