Cold Weather Survival (General)

You thrive in cold weather.
Heroes of Fantasy
Author August Hahn, Tim Hitchcock, Joseph Miller, Ian Sturrock, John Thompson, Paul Tucker & Patrick Younts
Series Power Classes
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
- Prerequisites: Constitution 13+, Endurance.
- Benefits: When travelling unprotected in cold weather (below 40° F), you need only make a Fortitude save once every day to avoid the effects of exposure (see the SRD). When travelling unprotected in extremely cold weather (below 0° F), you need only make a Fortitude save once every hour to avoid the effects of exposure.
- Normal: An unprotected character in cold weather (below 40° F) must make a Fortitude saving throw each hour (DC 15 + 1 per previous check) or sustain 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character that has the Survival skill may receive a bonus to this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well.
In extreme cold or exposure (below 0° F), an unprotected character must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15 +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. A character that has the Survival skill may receive a bonus to this saving throw and may be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well. Characters wearing winter clothing only need check once per hour for cold and exposure damage.