The Gentle Beast
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
This ponderous tome was written by a ranger named Colyn Ulhern, a man possessed of a tremendous love for both animals and writing. He was widely known as an animal trainer in his day, blessed with an instinctive understanding of virtually any beast. Eventually, he chose to combine his two great passions by writing a definitive book about caring for, relating with and training animals. Unfortunately, his ability as a writer fell woefully short of his ability as an animal trainer. His book is page after page of slow drudgery and vain attempts to convey complex thought. Nevertheless, his knowledge of animals was deep and pervasive enough that some of his concepts come through in the writing. Anyone who studies The Gentle Beast may use the information in the book to train his Handle Animal skill up to five ranks. The book does not grant the reader any skill points, he must spend his own points if he wishes to increase his skill, but it does effectively take the place of a trainer.
The Gentle Beast: 100 gp; 11 lb.