Powder, Flash

Source Advanced Player’s Guide
This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor (a standard action). Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Fortitude DC 13 negates).
Create: Craft (alchemy) DC 20
Alchemical Power Components
Source Adventurer’s Armory
Useful as a distraction, flash powder makes light-burst spells more dangerous.
- flare (M): Increase the saving throw DC of the spell by 2.
- pyrotechnics (M): When used to create fireworks, increase the DC by 1 and the blindness duration by 1 round.
An alchemical power component is an alchemical item used as a material component or focus for a spell in order to alter or augment the spell’s normal effects. What follows is a sample of these effects using this item as a component; your GM may allow other combinations.
- Spells followed by an (M) expend the alchemical item as a material component;
- Spells followed by an (F) use the item as a focus and do not expend it.
In both cases, the alchemical item does not have its normal effect and does not affect any other parameters of the spell. You cannot use the same item as both a focus and a material component at the same time.