
When you create your character, you receive equipment based on a combination of your class and background. Alternatively, you can start with a number of gold pieces based on your class and spend them on items from the lists in this section.
- Domestic Animals and Pets
- Animal and Beast Equipment and Supplies
- Fantastic Beasts
- Books, Paper, & Writing Supplies
- Clothing & Accessories
- Clockwork Constructs
- Containers (Bags, Boxes & More)
- Tools and Kits
- Torturer Devices
- Execution Equipment
- Prosthetic Limbs
- Tools, Unique or Special Purpose
- Entertainment (Toys, Games, Puzzles & More)
- Musical Instruments and Noisemakers
- Hunting, Camping & Survival Gear
- Illuminations, Flammables & Explosives
- Locks, Keys, Chains & Manacles
- Religious Items
- Channel Foci
- Aristocratic Clothing
- Furs and Pelts
- Food, Drink, & Lodging
- Weapon & Armor Accessories
- Tattoos and Body Modifications
- Hirelings, Servants & Services
- Transport
- Alchemical Items, Herbs, Oils, & Special Substances