Epic Spell, Asmodeus’ Heretical Infection

The Overlord of Hell knows that The Word is the center of all Creation.
Grimoire of Cosmic Entities Volume One By Eli Atkinson, William Church and Serge W. Desir, Jr.
Original Concept by Serge W. Desir, Jr.Full netbook can be found on the following website
Asmodeus’ Heretical Infection
Transmutation [Death, Evil]
Spellcraft DC: 126
Components: V (Dark Speech), XP
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 300 feet
Target: 40 foot radius
Duration: 27 rounds (see below)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,134,000 gp; 23 days; 45,360 XP. Seeds: afflict (DC 14), reflect (DC 27), slay (DC 25), transform (DC 21), transform (DC 21), transform (DC 21). Factors: one action casting time (+20), no somatic component (+2), restricted cancellation of effects – see below (ad hoc +20), target to area effect (+16), increase area by 100% (+4), increase negative levels by 1d4 (+4). Mitigating Factors: burn 5,400 XP (-54), caster possesses the Dark Speech feat (ad hoc -2), 27 round duration (ad hoc -13).
Without The Word, nothing would exist. The Overlord, alongside The Progenitor of Order and The Supreme Virtue, used The Word to manifest the Laws that bind the Cosmos into its current configuration. It is this very same Word that allows gods to create, destroy, and rule over the Material Plane. It is that very same Word, in vastly smaller Concentrations, that allows lesser beings to manipulate the energy around them.
Among mortals, the greatest aspects of The Word revolve around those spells related to the cosmic and divine, those tinged with morality. After all, these Words, like Holy word or cloak of chaos, allow divine spellcasters within the Material Plane to stave off the attacks of Asmodeus’ servants. Yet, these spells as spoken by mortals pale before the might and conviction with which The King of Hell speaks The Word. Before him, all other Words falter. There is no greater testament to this than Asmodeus’ heretical infection.
With a terrible whisper of Dark Speech fouler than any save that uttered by Leonar, the caster of heretical infection targets all good-aligned spellcasters within a 40-foot radius. If a Fortitude save is failed, the victim is infected as he feels an oily, malevolent darkness writhe in the bottom of his soul. However, the victim does not know the depths of his dilemma until he attempts to cast any spell with the good descriptor (this includes exalted spells from the Book of Exalted Deeds).
When such spells are cast, the victim finds that billowing fumes of black and red energy vomit from his eyes and mouth as the elements of his spell’s intent are reversed or outright cancelled. Thus, the casting of holy aura by a cleric suffering from heretical infection results in the spell functioning as unholy aura; if there is not a clear opposite, the spell simply does not function. Worse still, if the spell cast requires a verbal component, the caster finds that he screeches out heretical or blasphemous repudiations of his faith, suffering 2d6 negative levels; this spell is so pervasive that even if the caster prepares and casts spells bearing the good descriptor by means of the Silent Spell feat he still suffers 1d6 negative levels.
To further bolster the power of Evil and the unity of Law, Asmodeus’ heretical infection also forces the infected to answer in chorus to all other terrible spells. When spells bearing the evil descriptor or empowered by Dark Speech are cast within 100 feet of a heretical infection victim, the victim must make a Fortitude saving throw with a penalty equal to the spell’s effective level (taking into account feat increases) or repeat the same spell on his next turn. Not only does the victim suffer the effects detailed above, he also burns the appropriate spell levels, starting from the highest possible spell slot available (the victim will also suffer any ill effects associated with casting corrupt, vile, or evil spells against good-aligned casters as well as the effects of using Dark Speech).
It is very difficult to cancel the effects of Asmodeus’ heretical infection. First, aside from the caster, only a mage’s disjunction can end the effect before its duration expires. Second, even if the spell is cancelled or expires, the negative levels remain for 24 hours, converting to actual level loss after that time (this can be negated by a successful save for each negative level at the 24 hour mark) and permanently remaining unless a good-aligned 31 st level cleric casts greater restoration within 9 days.
XP Cost: 5,400 XP.