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Witch, Tradition Descriptions

Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team

Each Tradition listed below contains suggestions for powers, covens and role-playing. Remember these are only suggestions and may need to be modified by the Game Master for a particular campaign world.

  • Description: This describes the tradition and says something about the witch that belongs to it. Role: What does this tradition do? What are they known for.
  • Joining this Tradition: This includes requirements, duties, common ceremonies practiced by the Tradition, and a bit about those most likely to be initiated into this Tradition.
  • Leaving this Tradition: Everything on how to leave the tradition and the consequences thereof, such as loss of powers, or being labeled a -warlock-.
  • Skills & Feats: Any special notes regarding skills and feats. Some traditions may have access to skills other traditions don’t, and some may receive bonus feats.
  • Occult Powers: What special powers does the witch gain? Gained at 7th, 13th and 19th levels.
  • Special Benefits: What does the witch gain by belonging to this tradition?
  • Special Restrictions: These include alignment restrictions and other penalties to belonging to this tradition.
  • Equipment: This includes any special ritual tools or mundane tools of this tradition.
  • Coven Domains: Recommended Coven (domain) spells.
  • Preferred/Barred Covens: What covens might a witch of this tradition join or not join.
  • Relationship to the Goddess/Patron: How the witch views her Patron and how the Patron views the witch.
  • Source/Views of Magic: Each tradition differs on the source and nature of magic. This is detailed here. What really sets the witch apart are her views on magic. While every witch knows the source of her magic is her patron, how that magic is learned and manipulated varies greatly from tradition to tradition. These disagreements are so fundamental to the witch that some traditionalists cannot be in the same coven as one another, despite alignment. This also includes any views the witch might have on White magic vs. Black magic. This is not a dichotomy that witches typically see or recognize, but how others view her magic.
  • Wealth: How much money the witch starts with, if different, and how the witch might gain extra income.
  • Other: This includes multiclass options, prestige class options, and how the witch gets along (generally) with other classes and other traditions.
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