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Cleric, Twice Born

Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) : Dante and Vergil in hell Date1822 Cleric, Twice Born
Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) : Dante and Vergil in hell Date1822

Death is a sure thing, even in worlds of fantasy. It is not, however, always a final stop on the journey of life and there are many that discover that the pain and horror of death are but a pit stop on their quest for enlightenment.

The Quintessential Cleric
Author Sam Witt
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002

The twice-born were faithful before their death, but after it they are nothing short of fanatical in their support of the deity that has given back their life once more. Having died once, they are fearless defenders of their religion and are willing to perform any act in its service. While not necessarily evil, the twice-born thrive in situations where violence and desperate action are called for, making them a rarity among good-aligned religions.

Benefits: The twice-born is so assured that he will be back from the dead should he perish that he does battle with reckless abandon, receiving a +1 natural bonus to all attack rolls.

Penalties: Because he fights with no regard for his own safety, the twice-born receives a -1 natural penalty to his Armour Class at all times.

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