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Cleric, Godslave

Painting entitled "Le marché aux esclaves" (en: The Slave Market) Oil on canvas Date before 1882 Gustave Boulanger (1824-1888) Cleric, Godslave
Painting entitled “Le marché aux esclaves” (en: The Slave Market) Oil on canvas Date before 1882 Gustave Boulanger (1824-1888)

Not all clerics choose their path in life, some find themselves sold into slavery at a young age.

The Quintessential Cleric

Author Sam Witt

Publisher Mongoose Publishing

Publish date 2002

Some churches purchase young slaves to perform duties in and around their temples, freeing them from the necessity of paying help to do menial work. Of these child-slaves, a handful prove themselves resourceful, intelligent, and wise enough to actually work their way into the priesthood. Few ever become free, though, trading the shackles of iron for spiritual fetters forged from years of servitude in the name of a distant god. The strange mixture of religion and slavery produces clerics that are both cynical and devout, contemplative and unbelievably cruel in the support of their god.

Benefits: The combination of years of ritualised physical abuse and a disregard for their own well-being provides godslaves with 1 bonus hit point per level, throughout their lives.

Penalties: The godslave’s willpower is very weak from years spent under the thumb of his superiors. As a result, the godslave suffers a -1 morale penalty to all Will saves.

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