Barbarian Technology

Throughout this section, the default technology level is of the SRD, where such things as crossbows, dire flails, double swords, katanas, steel weaponry etc. are available. One might note the more simplistic the technological level, the more resourceful the character needs to be. Survival is harder without technology. To ensure the livelihood of any given character in an earlier tech period, the character must have a firmer knowledge of how to accomplish things such as hunting, foraging and so on. The bonuses characters can achieve reflect the compensation for the loss of technology.
Default Barbarians
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
The default barbarians are those with which all players in the d20 system are familiar. These barbarians come from any region. They are proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armours and have the standard package of skills from which they may choose. Characters choosing the default barbarian derive no further bonuses from native regions.

Dark Age Barbarians
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
The Dark Ages reflected the loss of technology from the previous wonders of the Roman Empire. This is a period of loss in older culture and philosophy and marks the growth of religion. Technology in this era is simpler than in the default setting, focusing mostly on utility. As heavy armour is unheard of, most weaponry functions to combat chain or lighter armours. Barbarians from this technology level are proficient in all simple weapons and all of the following weapons: axes (all), bows (long, short and composite short), hammers (all), lance (light) and swords (broad*, great, long, short). Barbarians from this era are proficient in all light and medium armours and shields. By choosing this technology level, you may choose one benefit of your choice from your native regions benefits menu.
Bronze Age Barbarians
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
The pre-Roman era constructed weapons from an alloy of tin and copper called bronze. While this era produced philosophy, great architecture and other advances, militarily it is far behind the other Dark Ages. Barbarian cultures having this technology level are likely not to have iron available in their regions and must resort to inferior weaponry. All starting metal weapons are considered bronze for these characters.* Barbarians from this technology level are proficient in all of the following weapons: axe (battle, hand, great, throwing), bow (long and short), cestus*, club (normal and great), Dagger, dart, javelin, lance (light), mace (all), quarterstaff, spears (all), sword (broad, Khopesh,* short), trident and warhammer. In addition, bronze Age barbarians are proficient in the following armours: scale, hide, studded leather, leather, Padded and all shields. By choosing this technology level, you may choose two benefits of your choice from your native region’s benefits menu.

Primative Age Barbarians
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
This technology era represents all eras preceding the Bronze Age. Stone, wood or bone are the manufacturing materials for this era. For the most part, these eras should have access to simple tools, fire and exceedingly low technology. Most villages or clans should not have domesticated animals yet. If they do, then cattle should amount to the most they have access to. Characters generated from the Stone Age technology level have access to the following weapon proficiencies: axe (any), bow (short only), club (any), Dagger, dart, harpoon*, javelin, machete*, quarterstaff, sling and spear (any). Armour proficiencies include bone*, hide, leather, wood and shields. By choosing this technology level, you may choose three benefits of your choice from your native region’s benefits menu.