Druid, Rescued Soul

For centuries, exile into the wilderness has been a punishment in some towns and cities.
The Quintessential Druid
Author Robin O. Duke
Series The Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
Forced to survive without the luxuries and support of the local community, with all forbidden to aid him in any way, the convicted would often die of starvation or exposure. For some, though, salvation could be attained. Druids, knowledgeable above all others and often respected for their Wisdom, have been known to take these men and women in, should they so choice. Often, the druids watch dispassionately as the forces of nature punish these wayward individuals but sometimes, when their powers reveal a spark of regret in the hearts of the wretched souls, they offer a helping hand. The aid of the druids is never an easy thing. They offer only to instruct in the ways of the wilderness. To survive, the criminal must not only repent but must become a druid.
Benefits: Due to his colourful history, the rescued soul has some knowledge of criminal activity. The character may choose any one skill from the following list and treat it as a class skill; Appraise, Bluff, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Innuendo, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Search or Spot.
Penalties: The rescued soul is a known criminal and has been intentionally exiled from a specific nation or city in the world. His reputation may even have drifted further than that one place. The Games Master and player should discuss where it is the rescued soul was exiled from. Should he return to his place of exile, he will surely be arrested and perhaps executed. In other towns and cities, the character has a -2 penalty to Charisma checks for determining the initial reaction of Non-Player characters as they may or may not recognise the rescued soul from his past life.