Barbarian, Stoic Warrior

“Stoic Warrior” – Howling fury, violent outbursts and a bloodthirsty appetite for carnage typically define the barbarian. They become unstoppable killing machines. When angered, they are stronger, tougher and generally nastier. The stoic warrior on the other hand controls his anger and in exchange for its benefit, he channels it into combat prowess.
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
These barbarians come from similar savage settings, but they are more controlled and thereby more dangerous. Stoic warriors are exceedingly rare. They are an advanced form of barbarian, whose use of feats is almost as impressive as a fighter. Most speak of them as legends, great heroes who lead hordes of screaming barbarians to despoil the lands of comfort, sowing destruction whenever they appear.
Adventuring: The stoic warrior seems to be an average barbarian, although disciplined beyond compare. In fact, his discipline makes him unique. He will travel throughout the lands, always searching to better himself, to hone his skills as a warrior. He will sometimes join a band of adventurers who are likeminded, exhibiting the same self-restraint as himself. While he recognises the value of the rage employed by most other barbarians, he never releases it himself. Stoic Warriors will often accompany druids for they usually share a similar outlook.
Roleplaying: Stern and aloof, the stoic warrior maintains a constant separation from his companions. He disdains rash behaviour and readily criticises outbursts. He respects ordered fighting, calm and rational thought and, above all else, a level-headed approach to problem solving. The inverse of all expectations, he throws most off kilter. Considering his unusual personality and outlook, many adventurers fear him as something other than what he seems. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Benefits: Stoic warriors have learned to use their rage in a more productive manner, so they receive a bonus feat whenever they would otherwise receive a feature of the Rage ability. Thus, they gain a bonus fighter feat at 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th, 15th, 16th and 20th levels. They also enjoy a good Will save, beginning with a +2 at first level and gaining improvements in this saving throw as a wizard does as described in the SRD.
Penalties: Stoic warriors do not ever lose control. Therefore, they lose the ability to Rage. Furthermore, it takes a lot of willpower to resist losing control. Their internal struggle prevents them from gaining the ‘good’ Fortitude save. Instead, their Fortitude Save progresses as a wizard. Stoic Warriors must be lawful. If they ever deviate from this alignment, they immediately become an ex-barbarian and may never progress further in this class.