Barbarian, Raider

Prowling the coastlines of nations, these thieves of the seas make their living preying upon the fat of the wealthy.
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
Violent and savage, raiders are the curse of the erudite and educated. No one is truly safe from the raider’s depredations. They strike without warning, burning and looting, taking what they want and destroying the rest. Their hunger for spoils consumes them, making them the worst of pirates. They are destroyers and haters of the soft and weak.
Having little respect for others possessions, they fall upon monasteries killing the inhabitants, burning the churches to the ground. They steal maidens for their depraved pleasures and kill them when they are done. These fiends have no moral fibre. Yet, they are the ultimate adventurer, braving any threat, facing inclement weather, to take what they want as often as they like.
Adventuring: Adventure fills the life of the raider. Every port is a place of new excitement. raiders journey to new lands, wage war and despoil what is left. Among adventurers, raiders are powerful warriors, decent thieves and excellent at infiltration. They never take orders well, preferring to follow their own lead. Losing their brethren in a poorly planned raid is one of the many reasons why raiders join adventuring parties.
Roleplaying: raiders are the consummate scum. They have no respect for anyone or anything. They tolerate other members of their party, restraining the urge to take what they want at their whim. Although not the best of companions, what they lose in practical understanding they more than make up for in their abilities. Once engaged in an attack, infiltration or any other type of assault they are all-professional.
On the seas, they are sailors unmatched. If their allies can tolerate them between adventures, they might make a fine addition to any party.
Benefits: raiders gain Sneak Attack +1d6 at every level they would otherwise gain Damage Reduction due to their naturally deceptive and piratical leanings. Therefore, at 11th level, the raider gains Sneak Attack +1d6. At 14th, the bonus dice increases to +2d6. This ability continues to 20th level. Sneak Attack damage stacks with Sneak Attack damage derived from other classes. In all respects, this ability conforms to the rules governing Sneak Attack as defined in the SRD. raiders gain the following as class skills: Balance (Dexterity), Bluff (Dexterity) and Profession (sailor) (Wisdom).
Penalties: In exchange for the ability to cause additional damage on the unsuspecting, the raider loses the Damage Reduction class ability of the barbarian and the enhanced movement of the barbarian class. raiders lose the following as class skills: Craft, Handle Animal and Ride.