Barbarian, Guide

Not all barbarians are brutes. Some are capable hunters and trailblazers who navigate the wilderness in an expert fashion.
The Quintessential Barbarian
Author Robert Schwalb
Series Quintessential Series
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2003
These men and women are guides. Many serve as frontrunners of barbarian war hosts and are responsible for getting the armies to where they need to be. Others hire themselves out to merchant caravans seeking new clients. Guides also serve as trackers, leaving heavier combat for their more militant associates. Regardless of the role the guide plays, he is an extremely adaptable figure and useful to almost any party. Guides know the lay of the land, rivalling rangers in ability. When forced to fight, they prove to be capable warriors, fully prepared to destroy those who threaten them.
Adventuring: As guides are intimately familiar with a particular geographical region, they are most often sought for their ability to travel through inhospitable terrain and their intricate knowledge of the details of a potentially profitable expedition. However, the knowledge of a local glen or meadow does not limit their usefulness. In fact, many guides crave new knowledge, new information about distant lands, making them eager companions for explorers and adventurers alike. Their expertise in geography allows them to find the shortest path to a destination even if they have never before been there.
Role-playing: Being an expert in travelling through unfriendly lands and treacherous terrain, and avoiding hostile enemies, has a tendency to make the guide rather serious. Many prefer the quiet of being a lone wolf, always at the edge of vision and companionship, but never fully giving in to the warmth of fellowship. On the other hand, some guides crave good conversation and friendship and will readily bond to the more personable members of a party. Above all else, guides take pride in their knowledge and skill and are easy to insult if someone calls into question their abilities.
Benefits: Guides are capable trackers due to their preference for, and knowledge of, the outdoors. Guides gain Track as a bonus feat at 1st level. In addition, the following skills are class skills: Hide (Dexterity), Knowledge (Geography) (Intelligence) and Move Silently (Dexterity).
Penalties: As guides are devoted to leading parties to and from danger, they spend much of their time and energy focused on gathering information about the lay of the land. Considering this, they are less martial than other barbarians and they gain the cleric’s base attack bonus instead of progression granted to the default barbarian. Finally, Intimidate is not a class skill for guides seeing as they favour isolation and are less communicative, preferring solitude over bullying.