Genie, Shaitan

This broad-shouldered being, its muscles seemingly carved from the very living rock, has glossy skin of deep umber and eyes that glitter like agates, its bald head and neatly trimmed beard of jet-black gleaming like oiled marble. It moves with deliberate economy and smooth precision.
Shaitans are genies from the Elemental Plane of Earth. With flesh of rare metals, glittering gems, or polished stone, they are the strongest physically of the four genie races. A shaitan stands about 11 feet tall and weighs 5,000 pounds. When they move, the muted sound of stone grating on stone follows.
Genie, Shaitan CR 7 |
Always LN Large outsider (earth, extraplanar) Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Listen +14, Spot +14 |
Defense |
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+1 Dexterity, +10 natural, -1 size) hp 58 (9d8+18) Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +8 Immune electricity |
Offense |
Speed 20 ft., burrow 60 ft., Climb 20 ft. Melee 2 slams +12 (2d6+12) Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks metalmorph, plane shift, stone curse Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th) At will – meld into stone, soften earth and stone, stone shape, veil (self only) 3/day – quickened glitterdust (DC 14), stoneskin, wall of stone 1/day – stone tell, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud |
Statistics |
Strength 26, Dexterity 13, Constitution 15, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 15, Charisma 15 Base Atk +9; Grapple +21 Feats Combat Casting, Improved Bull Rush, Improved InitiativeB, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (glitterdust) Skills Appraise +14 (+19 against gems, metal, and stone), Bluff +14, Concentration +14, Craft (gemcutting) +19, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +19, Listen +14, Profession (miner) +19, Search +14 (+19 in stonework), Sense Motive +14, Spot +14; Racial Modifiers +5 Craft (gemcutting), +5 Knowledge (architecture and engineering), +5 Profession (miner), +5 Appraise/Search made against stone or gem subjects Languages Celestial, Common, Ignan, Terran SQ earth mastery, stone glide |
Ecology |
Environment Elemental Plane of Earth Organization solitary, company (2-4), or band (6-15) Treasure standard coins; double goods (gems and metals only); standard items Advancement 10-14 HD (Large), 15-27 HD (Huge) |
Special Abilities |
Earth Mastery (Ex) Shaitans gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and opposed Strength-based checks (such as grapple and bull rush) when both they and their opponent are standing on any stone or earthen surface. Metalmorph (Su) As a standard action, a shaitan may touch any single metal object of no more than 10 pounds and transform it into any other metal, including adamantine, mithril, cold iron, silver, or gold. Transformed metal remains transformed as long as the shaitan remains in contact with the metal, and for 1 day after the shaitan releases the object. A shaitan may use this ability to warp and deform any one metal object within 20 feet. This functions like warp wood, but affects only metal objects that fail a DC 16 Fortitude save (attended objects use their wielder’s saves). Armor or shields lose half their bonus to AC (enhancement bonuses are unaffected), and weapons are rendered useless save as improvised clubs. The transformation lasts 1 minute, after which the affected metal reverts to its normal state. The save DC is Charisma-based. Plane Shift (Sp) Like all genies,shaitans can enter any of the elemental planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane via plane shift, taking up to 8 additional creatures (caster level 13th). Stone Curse (Su) If a shaitan wins a bull rush check by 5 or more and pushes its target into a stone, metal, or crystal barrier, the target must make a DC 22 Reflex save or be forced into the barrier as if the target had cast meld into stone to merge with the object. The victim cannot exit the stone voluntarily unless he takes a full round action to make a successful DC 22 Fortitude save. Other creatures can use physical damage to the stone or magic spells to expel the trapped individual in the same way one can force someone out of meld into stone. The save DCs are Strength-based. Stone Glide (Su) Shaitans can move through stone, dirt, crystal, or metal as easily as a fish swims through water, using their burrow speed. This burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole or any other sign of passage. A Move earth cast on an area containing a burrowing shaitan flings it back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. This ability does not grant the Shaitan the ability to ignore damage from weapons made of stone, metal, or crystal, nor does it grant any protection against earth-based magic. |
Shaitan Pashas
A rare few (1% of the total population) shaitans are pashas. A shaitan pasha is an advanced, elite shaitan of no less than 18 Hit Dice. Their spell-like abilities function at CL 18th. Shaitan pashas can use Earthquake 1/day as a spell-like ability, and can grant up to 3 wishes per day (non-genies only) but are often loath to do so and when they do, are fond of honoring the wish strictly as worded and not as intended by the wisher. A sample Shaitan pasha statblock appears on page 15 of this volume of Pathfinder.