
Batlings are magical crossbreeds of pixies and bats. Batlings look like 1’ to 2’ tall pixies with bat-like wings and features. Their feet are like those of a bat with small claws for hanging upside down. Their bodies resemble pixies with a short soft fur covering. Their fur ranges from light brown to a deep black. Their faces are also like those of pixies, but with some bat-like characteristics. They have a sharp teeth and large ears like a bat. They have smallish eyes and small slightly upturned noses. Batlings can speak with bats and pixies in their own languages. Many have been able to learn elf or common. Batlings speak with high-pitched voices. They tend not to wear clothing when young or among their own kind. They have been known to wear clothing similar to that of other pixies, only drabber and more functional.
Liber Mysterium
The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks
By Timothy S. Brannan and The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team
Full netbook can be found on the following website
Dom of D20 / D&D 3e Netbooks and Downloads.
Due to their appearance and origin Batlings are often believed to be small demons or at the very least evil. However nothing could be farther from the truth. An insane warlock who was researching new familiar types created the Batlings. He believed that by combining the appearance of the bat with the Intelligence of a pixie he would have a frightening ally. His experiments were a tremendous success; he created a race that could breed true. However he underestimated the natures of both the pixie and the bat. He produced a race that was both intelligent and good.
Batlings tend not to enter act with other races other than pixies. This is not out of choice, but necessity. Batlings are usually hunted down because they are believed to be evil. Batlings tend to be a very gregarious race that centers on the extended family. Batlings get along well with other faerie races especially pixies and slyphs. Grigs tend to avoid them.
Like bats, Batlings live in dark places, such as caves. They are nocturnal, which only adds to the superstition that surrounds them. Batlings come out at night to socialize and feed. An adult Batling can eat 3 to 4 times his own weight a night in flying insects. This helps support their high metabolic rate. Batlings are also found of fruits, especially grapes. They make an extremely potent wine from grapes and a fungus that grows in their caves.
Batlings mate once a year in the spring and the female gives birth to a clutch of two young. Batlings usually mate for life. Batlings keep their lair far from humanoid eyes. Usually they have many regular bats in their lair to keep guard.
The young reach maturity in seven years. Batlings typically live 40 to 50 years.
Batlings | |
Small fey | |
Hit Dice | 1d6+1 (5 hp) |
Initiative | +4 Dexterity |
Speed | 10 ft., Fly 30 ft. (perfect) |
AC | 20 (+4 Dexterity, +3 size, +3 Natural) |
Attacks | Unarmed +2, +2 |
Damage | Unarmed 1d4, small sword 1d6 |
Face/Reach | 1 ft. by 1 ft. |
Special Attacks | Hypersonic Shriek |
Special Qualities | SR 20, Damage Reduction 10/+2 |
Saves | Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5 |
Abilities | Strength 4, Dexterity 18, Constitution 15, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 16, Charisma 18 |
Skills | Handle Animal +10, Hide +16, Heal +5, Listen+5, Spot +5, Sense Motive +5 |
Feats | Ambidexterity, Blind Fight, Flyby Attack |
Climate/Terrain | Temperate Caves |
Organization | Gang (2-4), band (6-11) or tribe (20-80) |
Challenge Rating | 5 |
Treasure | |
Alignment | Always Chaotic Good |
Advancement | 1-3 HD (small) |
Batlings are not strong fighters. They prefer to use their small size and speed to avoid confrontations. However they will go to any lengths to protect
their homes or their young. Males and females are equal in combat. Young Batlings are non-combative. Batlings may attack with their feet claws twice per round doing 1 to 4 hp of damage. Some Batlings do carry small thin swords. They use this swords two-handed for 1d6 hp of damage.
Blindsight (Ex): Batlings, like most fey, have low light vision, but they prefer to rely on their echolocation ability. Batlings can recognize each other with their echolocation, but only distinguish rough details of other humanoid creatures. Attacks that effect hearing effect the Batling as if it were effecting their eyes instead. Thus any deafening attack is treated like blindness. Batlings are immune to gaze attacks while using this ability.
Hypersonic Shriek (Ex): If threatened Batlings may let out a hypersonic shriek. This shriek may be done three times per day. Anyone under 5 HD within hearing distance of the Batling must make a Fortitude save or become deaf, as per the spell, for 2d6 rounds. They also suffer 2d10 hp of damage. If they save or are above 5 HD then they only take 2d6 hp of damage.
Even though they are a ‘created’ race, Batlings have found a niche in the ecology of the world. Their diet has placed no strain on the local ecology. If Batlings have a natural enemy it would be goblins. Goblins capture Batlings in suspended steel traps. They gag the Batlings and enjoy pulling off their wings. Goblins usually eat the males and children but keep the females around as slaves. A particularly ugly breed of Bendith Y· Mamau are born to these unfortunate Batlings. Batlings have been the subject of recent debate and experiments by wizards. Batling fur or guano has been used in place of bats· in spell components. The spell Wave of Mutilation was discovered in this research.
Batlings are generally too small to make effective characters. Those that chose to advance as a character class often opt for ranger.