Creature Types Dragon

A dragon is a reptile-like creature, usually winged, with magical or unusual abilities.
A dragon has the following features.
- d12 Hit Die.
- Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression).
- Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saves.
- Skill points equal to 6 + Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. The following are class skills for dragons: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Traits: A dragon possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
- Darkvision 60 feet and Low-Light Vision.
- Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects.
- Proficient with its natural weapons only unless humanoid in form (or capable of assuming humanoid form), in which case proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
- Proficient with no armor.
- Dragons breathe, eat, and sleep.
Dragons in Faerie
Most dragons are decidedly set apart from other cultures of the Otherworld, even the diverse societies of fey. The primary exceptions are faerie dragons and pseudodragons, which are amenable to the Seelie Court; linnorms, with a dark pact with the Unseelie Court; and jabberwocks, generally bound in service to one of several major Faerie Courts and separated from most other dragons for their powerful links to fey.
Faerie dragons and pseudodragons
The faerie dragons and their close relatives the pseudodragons are descended directly from the famous Seelie Observer Nathair Sgiathach and his dead mate Taeliquist, an ill-fated daughter of Tiamat. As with their father and lord, these tiny dragon species combine a force of will much like that of their larger cousins with an unusual levity and self-consciousness that sets them apart from other dragons. They do not bridge the gap between fey and wyrm so much as ignore both.
Faerie dragons and pseudodragons do not make up a faction to speak of among the fey, though they generally follow the lead of Nathair if the Prince of Nonce indicates his own position in matters; as their whims dictate, they may attach themselves individually or in small groups to some cause or personage of the Courts (especially the Seelie and certain Blood Courts) until they are either bored or dissatisfied with their efforts.
In sharp contrast to the minor dragons, linnorms are among the most selfish, dangerous, and destructive denizens of Faerie. Although they have been creeping and forcing their way through the edges of the Otherworld since time immemorial, linnorms emerged as a major force upon the arrival of some of the greatest of their number in the early Days of Antiquity.
Bound in contentious and bitter fealty to the elder linnorm Gottenrvnr Two-Tongues and his lackies, the linnorms of Faerie must follow his lead in agreements with the Unseelie in order avoid death by his own teeth. They are only moderately placated by the opportunity he offers them to find land and some moderate (if tense) respect among the fey. The many linnorms unsatisfied with the somewhat limited lairs available in and near Unseelie realms must instead fight constantly to win and hold their own realms from the likes of giants, mighty beasts, Demesne Court fey, and occasionally other rivals such as Seelie fey or other dragons. They have a special enmity with the normally-reserved fey of the Watchers of the Current, who avidly strike at linnorms at every opportunity.
True Dragons
Rarer in Faerie than in the Fleeting Realm, true dragons nevertheless sometimes appear as great allies or rivals to different fey groups and occasionally seek to establish themselves as major figures of Faerie in their own right. Most arrive when beguiled by the ephemeral beauty of Faerie, which often takes the form of curious fey or mischievous faerie dragons. Tales recount that such tomfoolery is a favorite trick of Nathair Sgiathach himself. Once in Faerie, these dragons choose to stay surprisingly often, either because they have succumbed to its enchanted nature, or because they are simply too stubborn to leave after they have been drawn in.
Resident dragons retain much of the brutal practicality that is intrinsic to their mindset, but even so adapt to the wildness of their neighbors with relative ease. Without an active and present patron, these dragons forge alliances and animosities as their individual natures dictate. Few achieve marked prominence.