
Bellosaurus only stands 5 feet tall, but measures 16 feet long, and weighs half of a ton.
Originally Posted by Insane Pixie of the Wizards Community forums.
On this Thread
Training A Bellusaurus
Although intelligent, a bellusaurus requires training before it can bear a rider in combat. To be trained, a bellusaurus must have a friendly attitude toward the trainer (this can be achieved through a successful Diplomacy check). Training a friendly bellusaurus requires six weeks of work and a DC 25 Handle Animal check. Riding a bellusaurus requires an exotic saddle. A bellusaurus can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check.
Bellusaurus eggs are worth 1,000 gp each on the open market, while young are worth 1,500 gp per head. Bellusaurus’ mature at the same rate as (horses, I guess, for the sake of simplicity). Professional trainers charge 500 gp to rear or train a bellusaurus, which serves a master of any alignment with absolute faithfulness for life.
Bellusaurus | |
Large animal | |
Hit Dice | 4d8+19 (37 hp) |
Initiative | +1 |
Speed | 30 ft. (6 squares) |
Armor Class | 18 (-1 size, +1 Dexterity, +8 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +3/+12 |
Attack | Tail slam +7 melee (2d6+7) |
Full Attack | Tail slam +7 melee (2d6+7) |
Space/Reach | 10 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | – |
Special Qualities | Low-Light Vision, Scent |
Saves | Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +3 |
Abilities | Strength 20, Dexterity 12, Constitution 18, Intelligence 1, Wisdom 14, Charisma 10 |
Skills | Listen +5, Spot +6 |
Feats | Power Attack, Toughness |
Climate/Terrain | Warm forests, plains and hills |
Organization | Solitary, pair, or herd (20-40) |
Challenge Rating | 3 |
Treasure | None |
Alignment | Always neutral |
Advancement | – |
Level Adjustment | – |
When forced into combat, a bellusaurus will attempt to knock down it’s foe, and run as fast as possible in the other direction.