Pterosaur, Anhanguera

Dracomortis of the Wizards Community forums.
This small pterosaur measures about 3 feet long, half of which is the length of its head. It has a wingspan of about 16 feet. Despite its considerable size, an anhanguera weighs only 8 pounds.
Anhanguera | |
Small animal | |
Hit Dice | 2d8+6 (15 hp) |
Initiative | +7 |
Speed | 10 ft. (2 squares), Fly 60 ft. (average) |
Armor Class | 18 (+1 size, +7 Dexterity), touch 18, flat-footed 11 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +1/-3 |
Attack | Bite +2 melee (1d6) or talon +2 melee (1d3) |
Full Attack | Bite +2 melee (1d6) and 2 talons +0 melee (1d3) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks | – |
Special Qualities | Low-Light Vision |
Saves | Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +1 |
Abilities | Strength 10, Dexterity 24, Constitution 17, Intelligence 2, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6 |
Skills | Listen +11, Spot +12 |
Feats | Multiattack |
Environment | Warm forests or mountains |
Organization | Solitary or pair |
Challenge Rating | 2 |
Treasure | None |
Alignment | Always true neutral |
Advancement | 2-4 HD (Small) |
Level Adjustment | – |
An anhanguera attacks by diving onto an opponent from above and attacking with its talons. It typically only uses its bite attack when it is forced to land.
Skills: An anhanguera has a +8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.