Andhrímnir, The Cook of the Gods
Andhrímnir is a mythical giant who prepares food for the gods in Norse mythology.
- Alias – The Cook of the Gods
- Gender – Male
- Race – Jötunn
- Occupation – Cook
- Religion – Norse mythology
- Allies – The gods and goddesses of Norse mythology, particularly Odin and Thor.
- Enemies – Other giants who are enemies of the gods.
- Abode/Base of operations – The kitchen of Valhalla.
- Nationality – Jötunheimr (land of the giants)
- Languages – Old Norse, Jötunn tongue.
- Alignment – Neutral
- Affiliation(s) – The Aesir gods of Norse mythology
- Significant others – N/A (Andhrímnir is not known to have any significant romantic relationships)
Andhrímnir is a giant who is the cook of the gods in Norse mythology, known for his incredible culinary skills. He is often described as a short and stocky figure with a bald head, bushy eyebrows, and a large nose.
As the cook of the gods, Andhrímnir has a very important role in Norse mythology. He is responsible for cooking the meat of the boar Sæhrímnir, which is served in the great hall of Valhalla, the afterlife destination for slain warriors. The meat is said to be so delicious that it can provide sustenance for all the warriors in the hall, no matter how many there are.
Andhrímnir takes great pride in his work and is known to be very protective of his kitchen. He is not one to suffer fools gladly and will not hesitate to chase away anyone who disturbs his cooking. However, he is also known to be very generous with his food and will not let anyone go hungry if he can help it.
Despite his gruff exterior, Andhrímnir has a great respect for the gods and their warriors. He understands the importance of their role in protecting the nine realms and is proud to contribute to their wellbeing. He takes his responsibilities seriously and is always striving to improve his culinary skills.
Andhrímnir is a towering jötunn standing over 20 feet tall. He wears a stained apron made from the hide of an animal. His massive frying pan, the size of a small cart, crackles with flames and emits a delicious aroma that can be smelled from miles away. Despite his fearsome appearance, Andhrímnir is friendly and jovial, always eager to share his food with others.
Ultimately, Andhrímnir’s goal is to create the perfect meal, one that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. He believes that his cooking can bring joy and comfort to those who partake of it, and he takes great satisfaction in knowing that his food is appreciated by the gods themselves.
Andhrímnir, The Cook of the Gods
Medium humanoid (jötunn), neutral alignment
Armor Class: 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 276 (24d8 + 144)
Speed: 40 ft.
Strength | Dexterity | Constitution | Intelligence | Wisdom | Charisma |
25 | 12 | 22 | 18 | 20 | 18 |
+7 | +1 | +6 | +4 | +5 | +4 |
Saving Throws: Con +14, Int +12, Wis +13
Skills: Cooking Tools +18, Nature +13, Perception +13
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 23
Languages: Giant, Norse, Sylvan, Celestial
Challenge Rating: 21 (33,000 XP)
Immortality. Andhrímnir does not age and cannot be killed by natural means.
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Andhrímnir fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
- Multiattack. He can use his Frying Pan and his Grease Spray or two Frying Pan attacks.
- Frying Pan. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (4d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (3d6) fire damage.
- Grease Spray (Recharge 5-6). Andhrímnir sprays a 20-foot cone of grease from his frying pan. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 30 (6d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage and falling prone on a failed save, or half as much damage and not falling prone on a successful one.
Cooking Magic. Andhrímnir can cast the following spells using his cooking tools as a spellcasting focus:
- Create or Destroy Water
- Purify Food and Drink
- Goodberry
- Create Food and Water
- Heroes’ Feast
Lair Actions:
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Andhrímnir can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects:
- A delicious aroma wafts through the lair. Each creature within 120 feet of Andhrímnir must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 22) or be charmed by Andhrímnir for 1 minute.
- Andhrímnir’s cooking utensils come to life and attack his enemies. Andhrímnir can make one additional Frying Pan attack as a bonus action on his turn.
- Andhrímnir magically summons a feast of divine food and drink, regaining 30 hit points and gaining temporary hit points equal to the number of creatures within 30 feet of him.
- Giant-sized Frying Pan
- Bag of holding containing various cooking tools and ingredients
- Cooking apron made from the hide of a celestial animal
Magic Items:
- Pot of Infinite Salt. This enchanted pot always produces enough salt to perfectly season any dish.
Item Name: Cauldron of Endless Stew
Item Type: Wondrous Item
Rarity: Legendary
Description: This enchanted cauldron is said to have been crafted by Andhrímnir, The Cook of the Gods. Once per day, the cauldron can produce an endless supply of a delicious and hearty stew, made from a combination of meat, vegetables, and spices that are perfectly balanced and satisfying to the senses. The stew is always served at the perfect temperature and consistency, and any creature who consumes it gains the benefits of a long rest, even if they have already taken a long rest that day. Additionally, the stew can cure any non-magical disease or poison that a creature is suffering from.
- Endless Stew. Once per day, the cauldron can produce an endless supply of a delicious and hearty stew, made from a combination of meat, vegetables, and spices that are perfectly balanced and satisfying to the senses. The stew is always served at the perfect temperature and consistency.
- Restorative Properties. Any creature who consumes the stew gains the benefits of a long rest, even if they have already taken a long rest that day. Additionally, the stew can cure any non-magical disease or poison that a creature is suffering from.
Lore: Legend has it that Andhrímnir crafted this cauldron in the halls of the gods, using his unmatched culinary skills to create a dish that could restore even the weariest of travelers. The cauldron was gifted to the mortal realm as a sign of the gods’ favor, and many adventurers have sought it out over the centuries in hopes of gaining its life-giving properties. Some say that Andhrímnir still watches over the cauldron, ensuring that it always produces a stew that is worthy of the gods.
Andhrímnir is a towering jötunn standing over 20 feet tall. He wears a stained apron made from the hide of an animal. His massive frying pan, the size of a small cart, crackles with flames and emits a delicious aroma that can be smelled from miles away. Despite his fearsome appearance, Andhrímnir is friendly and jovial, always eager to share his food with others.
Currently in the World
Andhrímnir has been in the mortal world for centuries, tending to the great cauldron of the gods, which he uses to cook the meat of the divine boar, Saehrimnir. He has watched the world change around him, with empires rising and falling, wars being waged, and new religions taking hold. But through it all, his duty has remained the same – to prepare the feast for the gods.
In the 1450s, Andhrímnir is once again busy preparing for the grand feast. He has been paying close attention to the happenings of the world, watching as new nations rise to power and old ones crumble. He has seen the rise of the Ottomans, the struggles of the Holy Roman Empire, and the growth of the Renaissance.
As he stirs the cauldron, he ponders the fate of mortals. He sees their struggles, their triumphs, and their tragedies, and wonders what it all means in the grand scheme of things. He is not a cruel being, but he knows that the fate of mortals is not in his hands. He can only prepare the feast for the gods, and hope that they will be pleased.
Andhrímnir is a solitary figure, content in his duties. He does not seek to interfere in the affairs of mortals, but he does have a desire to see the grand feast be a success. He knows that the fate of the world is in the hands of the gods, and he hopes that they will continue to look favorably upon him and his work.