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East Central Europe

Poland was reunited and its frontiers expanded again. Next the Polish and Lithuanian royal families became united in marriage, and the two countries have since been ruled by one monarch, with the pagan Lithuanians agreeing to accept Catholicism. Poland-Lithuania inflicted a bloody defeat on the Hell Knights at Tannenburg, who ceased to offer much of a threat after that.

In Hungary, a powerful Orc invasion left a devastated country with half the population dead. In the following century, the monarchy passed by marriage to the powerful Luxembourg family, who were also kings of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperors. For the last two hundered years warfare between Hungary and the Ottoman empire has become endemic.

In Bohemia, a religious movement known as the Hussites won support at all levels of society. They rebelled against the king, and were only with difficulty subdued, and only after a compromise which established an autonomous Bohemian Church within the central Church.

Ahundered years ago, at a time of great disorder within the Holy Roman Empire, a local magnate, Rudolf of Hapsburg, secured control of Styria and Austria as hereditary duke. His descendant, Albert II of Hapsburg, has been elected Holy Roman Emperor.

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