Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
Ships that rely on large numbers of oars for propulsion need some kind of system to keep all the oars moving in concert with one another. Years and years of tradition have proven that drums are the best way to manage this, making the drum a vital part of any such ship. By varying the tempo of the beat, the drummer can have the rowers maintain a normal pace, achieve ramming speed or keep to any speed in between. When properly used, these drums can increase the top speed of the ship by one mile per hour. Sounding the drum requires a Perform skill check (DC 15). A sailor can recognise the sound of a rowing drum by making a Profession (sailor) check (DC 10). The drums at By Sail and Wain are enormous, easily capable of carrying its deep tone throughout the rowing deck of even the largest galley. They are constructed of huge sheets of leather stretched over a wooden shell, and are usually struck with a rod or baton.
Drums: 200 gp; 65 lb.