Drag Anchor
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
To quickly slow a ship travelling at high speed in deep water, the drag anchor is vastly superior to a normal anchor. It is a large metal cone, four to five feet long with an opening about three feet across. On either side of the opening is a pivoting loop, through which chain or thick rope is run to connect the drag anchor to its ship. The drag anchor is thrown overboard, where it acts as a water parachute to quickly slow the ship. Once the ship has been brought to a stop, the drag anchor is winched back to the ship. The point of the cone has a thick metal eye on it, designed to accept a hook. When the drag anchors eye has been hooked, it can be raised up out of the water point-first with a windlass, dumping its contents as it leaves the water. A ship with a drag anchor can come to a stop in half the regular time.
Drag Anchor: 110 gp; 450 lb.