Shocker (Herman Shultz)

Interior artwork from The Amazing Spider-Man
vol. 1, 579 (December 2008 Marvel Comics) Art by Mike McKone
The Shocker is a fictional character from the Spider-Man comic book published by Marvel Comics. He first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man (1st series) #46 (March, 1967). The issue was scripted by Stan Lee and drawn by John Romita, Sr..
Character biography
Herman Schultz was a high school dropout who had brilliant talents as both an inventor and an engineer. Instead of using such talents to gain legitimate employment, he became a successful burglar and (according to him in later stories) the world’s best safecracker. After finally being caught and incarcerated for his crimes, he developed a pair of gauntlets designed to shoot air blasts, vibrating at high frequency. These blasts operate on five levels, Level 1 being enough to throw someone off balance, whereas Level 5 will vibrate someone’s bones into jelly.
Unfortunately, the feedback from these devices is incredibly intense, and thus Schultz developed a very unconventional costume. It consists of yellow quilted material which covers most of his body to protect him from his own weapons, thus making him bear some resemblance to a giant pineapple. In the Spider-Man: The Movie videogame, Spider-Man mocks him by saying: “So who are you supposed to be? Quilt Man? Padded Pete? Mr. Triple-Ply? Wait, I got it; The Cushion!” In the sequel to that game, Shocker makes a second appearance and in combat, Spider-Man says, “I’ve been meaning to ask you, how is your absorbency compared to the leading brand?” as well as “You look different, have you been reupholstered?”
Schultz used the gauntlets to escape from prison and became the powerful supervillain known as “The Shocker”. His innovation leads some to consider him a counterpart to Spidey, who made his own web shooters and cartridges.
The Shocker has constantly tinkered with and upgraded the abilities of his costume and guantlets. His suit now deflects physical blows and makes him virtually impossible to grasp by creating a vibrational shield generated by built-in vibrator units. He also recently allowed Hammer Industries to drastically upgrade the power of his guantlets. Unfortunately, he is very untrusting about sharing the whole of his secrets, meaning that his unaltered suit offers him less protection than it provided while using his less powerful weapons (he is prone to nose bleeds after using the new ones).
Originally Posted by Bane of the Dicefreaks forums.
Herman Shultz, Shocker | |
Medium humanoid | |
Wounds | 15 WP, 124 VP (16d8+32) |
Initiative | +2 |
Speed | 30 ft. |
AC | 22 (+20 deflection, +2 Dexterity) touch 22, flat footed 20 |
Base Attack/Grapple | +12/+16 |
Attack | Vibro-blast +19 ranged touch (10d6 force) or unarmed strike +16 melee (1d6+2d6 force/20) |
Full Attack | Vibro-Blast +17/+12/+7 ranged touch (Varies, see below) and vibro-blast +17/+12 ranged touch (Varies, see below) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft. /5 ft. |
Special Attacks | Vibro-Blasts |
Special Qualities | Damage reduction 20/-, resistance to energy (electricity, force) 25 |
Saves | Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +8 |
Abilities | Strength 18, Dexterity 14, Constitution 15, Intelligence 17, Wisdom 16, Charisma 12 |
Skills | Appraise +13, Bluff +11, Climb +9, Craft (electronic) +23, Craft (mechanic) +23, Computer Use +13, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +13, Intimidate +13, Jump +9, Knowledge (streetwise) +18, Knowledge (technology) +18, Listen +11, Open Locks +17, Search +18, Sleight of Hand +12, Spot +11, Swim +9, Treat Injury +6 |
Feats | Brawl, Builder, Great Fortitude, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (vibro-gauntlets) |
Climate/Terrain | New York City |
Organization | Solitary (Unique) or Sinister Six (Group) |
Challenge Rating | 12 |
Treasure | Equipment |
Alignment | Neutral Evil |
All of Shocker’s abilities come from his costume and vibro-gauntlets.
Shocker’s standard weapon is a pair of gauntlets that generate high levels of vibration allowing him to penetrate vaults as well as do away with enemies.
Shocker may use his gauntlets in a number of ways.
Shocker’s guantlets have 5 different settings, with level 5 being the most powerful.
As an attack action, Shocker can inflict 2d6 force damage per level with a ranged touch attack. A creature who takes damage from the guantlet must succeed on a Strength check (DC= Damage dealt) or be flung backwards 1d8 x 10 feet, and suceed on a Dexterity check (DC= Damage dealt) or be knocked prone.
As a full round action, Shocker can blanket an area with the blasts, dealing 3d6 force damage per level in a 50 foot cone. This attack does not require a ranged touch attack, but a Fortitude save (DC 22 + 3 per level) halves the damage.
Shocker can also choose to vibrate anyone that has successfully grapple him. Anyone who grapples the Shocker takes 10d6 force damage (no save) and must make another grapple check to retain their grip. Shocker adds the force damage dealt to his opposed grapple check.
Shocker receives a +4 bonus to strike with his vibro-guantlets. He may change between either nonlethal or lethal damage with his attacks as a swift action.
Shocker’s costume is made of heavy duty padding to protect him from his own weapons.
It normally provides him with damage reduction 20/piercing and slashing and resistance to force 25. The costume is also heavily insulted giving him resistance to electricity 25.
When he wears his gauntlets, they emit a steady vibration through the suit. This increases the damage reduction to 20/- and provides a +10 deflection bonus to his armor class.