Detect Mystical Streams
A highly specialized form of detect magical residue, this spell allows you to trace streams of mystical energy that are linked to your current location. This includes the residual effects of clairvoyance/clairaudience, Greater Scrying, Prying Eyes, scrying, and any form of teleportation.
Crime and Punishment
Author Keith Baker
Series Campaign Style
Publisher Atlas Games
Publish date 2003
Level: Diviner 3, Inq 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Quarter circle emanating from you to the extreme of the range
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The effects of the spell depend on how long you study a particular Area:
- 1st round – You can sense if teleportation or scrying has occurred in the area of effect within the last 24 hours. You can distinguish between teleportation and scrying, but you cannot identify the specific nature of a spell.
- 2nd round – You can sense the number of instances of teleportation or scrying that have occurred within the last 24 hours, and the approximate time of each event.
- 3rd round – You can identify the specific spell that was used in each instance. By studying a specific trace, you can follow the mystical stream to get a sense of the connected location – the point which a caster teleported from or to, or the location of a scrying mystic.
This requires a successful Spellcraft check, as shown on the following table.
Information | Spellcraft DC |
Determine rough location | 20 |
Determine general location | 25 |
Determine precise location | 30 |
Determine rough location gives you a vague sense of distance and direction, but there is a margin of error of a few miles on the distance.
Determine general location provides all of the above information, but narrows the margin of error down to a single mile and adds a rough description of the area ‘ the Imperial City of Rottweil‘ or ‘The Black Forest.’
Determine precise location gives you an exact sense of the destination point and a clearer description ‘The Black Eagle Inn in the the Imperial City of Rottweil‘.- A basic check requires 2 minutes, and has a range of up to 50 miles; if the destination point is not within that area, you can take an extra minute to extend the range by another 50 miles; you can continue extending the range until the duration of the spell expires.
It takes three minutes to study a stream in enough detail to allow a Spellcraft Check. If you fail the check you can’t gain any information, but you are not given false information. As long as you continue to maintain the spell you can retry failed checks; if the spell expires you must begin from scratch.