Savage … Colossal … Unconquerable … it’s A*P*E
A newly discovered 36-foot gorilla escapes from a freighter off the coast of Korea. At the same time an American actress is filming a movie in the country. Chaos ensues as the ape kidnaps her and rampages through Seoul.
A*P*E is a 1976 monster movie that attempted to cash in on the success of King Kong. Despite its ambitions, the film falls far short of its goal, offering little beyond cheap special effects and a flimsy plot.
The story revolves around a giant ape, named A*P*E , who is captured by a group of soldiers and transported to a zoo in South Korea. During the journey, APE breaks free and runs amok, wreaking havoc on the surrounding countryside and terrorizing the locals.
The film’s special effects are particularly weak, even by the standards of the time. The ape is clearly a man in a suit, and the sets are clearly made of cardboard and papier-mâché. The acting is also subpar, with the human characters providing little in the way of depth or interest.
Despite its shortcomings, A*P*E has gained a small cult following over the years, thanks to its so-bad-it’s-good reputation. Fans of cheesy B-movies may find some enjoyment in its low-budget charms, but for most viewers, this is one film that’s best left forgotten.
In summary, APE is a forgettable and poorly made monster movie that fails to capture the imagination or offer anything of substance. Its only appeal lies in its unintentional hilarity and cult status among fans of bad cinema.