Golden Fleece

The Golden Fleece was the treasure sought by Jason and the Argonauts. It is the fleece of the flying ram Chrysomallus, hung on an oak tree at Colchis and was guarded by a the Colchian dragon.
The Lore of the Gods
Book One: The Greek GodsLead Designers – Steven Creech and Kevin Ruesch Lead Editor Steven Schend Creative Director Jim Butler Art Director Todd Morasch Artwork Aaron D. Siddal
This artifact of legend is the head and hide of a large male ram. The horns are of pure gold and the fleece itself is of a metallic golden hue. It is large enough to completely cover a medium-sized creature, but its powers can be used on a creature of any size. The fleece has the following powers and qualities:
- All toxins and diseases (including magical diseases) are purged from those who are covered by the fleece.
- By covering the subject and making a successful Wisdom check, the user may invoke resurrection – 1/day
- By covering the subject and making a successful Wisdom check, the user may invoke regenerate – 3/day
- By covering the subject and making a successful Wisdom check, the user may invoke heal – 5/day