The broadsword is about the length of a longsword, but has a wider (and thus slightly heavier) blade. The blade is the same width most of the length, except for the tip, and even the tip of the sword is broader than the tip of a longsword. The broadsword usually has a basket hilt to protect the wielder’s hand, but some are made without the basket hilt.

(Martial) One-Handed Melee Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range | Weight1 | Type2 | Special | Fighter Weapon Group3 |
Sword, broad (broadsword) | 20 gp | 2d3 | 2d4 | x2 | — | 5 lbs. | S | — |
Section 15: Copyright Notice
Luven Lightfinger’s Gear and Treasure Shop. Copyright 2010, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming; Authors Sean O’Connor, Connie J. Thomson and Robert W. Thomson.