Whirling Cross
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
A whirling cross is a deadly defensive tool, designed to wreak havoc among intruders to a fortress. It consists of a five-foot long wooden cylinder with a length of chain on one end and a spinning cog mechanism on the other. From this mechanism protrude four short logs, arranged in a cross perpendicular to the larger cylinder. Each of these logs ends in a sharp blade; when the whirling cross is activated, the mechanism spins wildly, causing the bladed logs to whirl and slice any creature unfortunate enough to stand near them.
Whirling crosses can be attached to a tunnel’s ceiling or allowed to overhang from a wall. When enemies pass below the hanging place of a whirling cross, the chain holding it into place can be released via a simple lever mechanism. Usually, the chain allows the whirling cross to fall just short of reaching the ground, so its sweeping, rotating cross blades are left at about the same height as a Medium creature’s head. It is not uncommon to locate various whirling crosses at regular intervals along a keep’s outer walls or its access tunnels.
Any creature within five feet of a falling whirling cross must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 15) every round or suffer 2d6 points of slashing damage and fall prone. To stop the cross from whirling requires a successful Disable Device check (DC 20) or destroying the cross. A single whirling cross has hardness 5 and 80 hit points.
Given the whirling cross’ specific qualities, its statistics are given in trap format, as featured in the trap section in Chapter Three of the SRD. The price given is for a single whirling cross.
Whirling Cross: CR 3; mechanical, location trigger; manual reset; DC 15 Reflex save avoids; damage each round until reset or disabled (2d6, slashing blades); multiple targets (any creature within 5 ft.); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 1,500 gp