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This massive device resembles exactly what its name suggests – a catapult with three arms. The arms of a threepult are set up parallel to each other and all fire simultaneously when the weapon is activated. Given the increased effort of winching and aiming a threepult, it must be manned by six crewmen (as opposed to four). It performs like a heavy catapult in all other respects.

Ultimate Equipment Guide II

Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005

At least three characters are required to winch a threepult into place; the strongest of these characters must succeed on a Strength check (DC 15) for the task to be properly performed. Winching a threepult is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. A successful Profession (siege engineer) check (DC 15) must be made to latch a threepult, which takes an additional full-round action.

Loading a threepult takes three full-round actions and aiming it takes six full-round actions. These full-round actions can be divided among many characters as usual, so aiming a threepult is a single full-round action for a crew of six or larger. A successful Knowledge (architecture & engineering) check (DC 15) is required to properly aim a threepult.

Once aimed, a threepult’s three arms target a square and the two squares adjacent to it on a straight line. The line must extend perpendicular to the threepult’s line of attack. Once the weapon has been aimed at the three target squares, a single ranged attack roll must be made, applying a -4 penalty due to the weapon’s unwieldiness, plus a -6 penalty if the target square is out of the threepult crew’s line of sight. If the attack succeeds, each of the three stones hits one of the target squares, dealing catapult damage to a single target inside it. Creatures are allowed a Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid the damage. If the attack misses, each of the threepult’s stones strikes one of eight squares surrounding the central target square, randomly determined by rolling 1d8. Each time the attack misses, add a cumulative +3 bonus to the next attack roll if the threepult’s target is within line of sight. This bonus can never exceed +12 regardless of the number of consecutive misses, nor is it applied if the threepult’s target is not within line of sight.

Threepult: 2,000 gp; Dmg 4d6 per stone; Critical -; Range 150 ft. (100 ft. minimum); Typical Crew 6

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