Siege Sledge
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
This weapon is in fact a giant warhammer, mounted on a wheeled harness allowing it to swing up and fall down on a target. The warhammer‘s ‘handle’ is roughly 30 feet long, while its stone head measures about eight feet and weighs roughly one ton. The warhammer is set up so it can be swung up and down in a nearly 90-degree arc by a simple rope and lever mechanism, though it still requires many characters to work it with enough strength.
The siege sledge is incredibly mighty and destructive; however, its limited range makes it overlooked in favour of other siege devices such as catapults or ballistae. Nevertheless, it remains a popular weapon among certain warlords since, if an army manages to get a siege sledge near an enemy fortress, few siege weapons can compare to its sheer damage dealing ability.
A siege sledge requires at least four characters to move and operate. By pushing it along the ground, a siege sledge may be moved at a base movement speed of ten feet. Once it is within 15 feet of its intended target, it requires a Strength check (DC 15) to properly position a siege sledge to strike. A character can use the aid another action to help another character prepare a siege sledge. If such a Strength check fails, it can be retried as a full-round action. Once a siege sledge is properly positioned, letting it fall is a simple move action, though pulling it up again requires another Strength check, and so on.
A falling siege sledge deals 8d6 points of damage to any creature or object standing in its path – a 90-degree arc ending about three feet above the ground. The hammerhead covers an area five feet across. Creatures are allowed a Reflex save (DC 15) for half damage.
Siege Sledge: 1,000 gp; Dmg 8d6; Critical -; Range -; Typical Crew 4