Rolling Thunder
‘Rolling thunder’ is the term the siegemaster chose to name one of his most brutal, simple and devastating inventions. A rolling thunder device consists of an immense roller made of stone or studded wood, with a gigantic metal handle used to push the contraption ahead. The device has the general appearance of an immense, spiked paint roller, although the paint it spreads is the blood of squashed enemies.
Ultimate Equipment Guide II
Author Greg Lynch, J. C. Alvarez
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2005
A rolling thunder device can roll over a space 20 feet across; its wheels have a ten-foot diameter. It requires at least four creatures to push it along the ground; in this fashion, a rolling thunder device can achieve a base movement speed of ten feet. The device has a hardness of 12 and 150 hit points.
Every round, the crew manning a rolling thunder device can push it into a space ten feet (two squares) deep by 60 feet (12 squares) across. Any creatures or objects currently in this space suffer 6d6+12 points of damage; creatures are allowed a Reflex save (DC 25) for half damage, though they can forfeit this save so as to get an attack of opportunity against the rolling thunder device. This attack is subject to all the corresponding rules and specifications for a trample attack (see the MM). Pushing a rolling thunder into an occupied space is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Rolling Thunder: 750 gp; Damage 6d6+12; Critical -; Range -; Typical Crew 4