Settlements, Pocket Universe
Thanks to a magical fold in space and time, the settlement exists in a place far too small to sustain it. A sleepy hamlet might be found in an old mansion’s disused pantry, a huge fortress might hide the space between two old oaks, or a planar metropolis might be contained within a single cramped alley of a much less important city-state.
Decrease Economy -2. Increase spellcasting by +2 levels. Depending on the nature of the settlement and its relationship with the outside world, the settlement might be impossible to find. It may skill checks to even find the entrance to the settlement: usually a DC 20 Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (the planes) check. The settlement’s size modifier is applied to this check, albeit inverted. After all, it’s easier to find a Metropolis (DC 16) than a Thorpe (DC 24).
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Cityscapes: New Settlement Options for the Pathfinder RPG
Cityscapes: New Settlement Options for the Pathfinder RPG © 2012, Otherverse Games; Author: Chris A. Field.