Settlements, Mutagenic
Strange energies or pollutants staining the area make this place a haven for deformed and superhuman freaks. Mutagenic vapors fill the sky, making sunsets strangely colored and eerily vibrant, or strange chemicals have tainted the ground water, or perhaps mutation causing crystals are found in the bedrock beneath the settlement.
Anyone who spends more than 72 continuous hours in the settlement must succeed at a Fort Save or begin mutating. The Fort Save begins at DC 10, and increases by +1 each successive day until the character either succumbs to the town’s mutagenic effects or leaves the area for at least one week, to purge the accumulated toxins or energies from his system.
Section 15: Copyright Notice – Cityscapes: New Settlement Options for the Pathfinder RPG
Requires the Use of Accidents of Birth v2 (Otherverse Games, 2011).