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Sample, Dwarven Trade Town
Böhmisches Dorf mit Blick auf eine Burgruine (wohl Hirschstein/Stary Herstejn), Aquarell über Bleistift, 1854. Ca. 27 x 38 cm Date 1854 anonymous English painter
LG large town Corruption +0; Crime +0; Economy +2; Law -1; Lore -2; Society +5Qualities pious, Prosperous , Strategic Location Danger +5 Demographics Government council Population 2,500 (2,000 dwarves; 400 humans; 100 other) Notable NPCs Forgefather Gundar Dorgrun (LG male dwarf cleric 12) Guildsmistress Bilda Keldam (LN female dwarf aristocrat 3/expert 3) Militia Captain Karnag Thosk (NG male dwarf fighter 4) Marketplace Base Value 2,800 gp; Purchase Limit 15,000 gp; Spellcasting 6th Minor Items 3d4; Medium Items 2d4; Major Items 1d4
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