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Sample, Creepy Backwoods Hamlet
Ansicht von Berchtesgaden. Öl auf Leinwand. 76 x 94 cm. Date by 1905
- NE hamlet
- Corruption +1; Crime -5; Economy -2; Law +1; Lore -1; Society -8
- Qualities insular
- Danger -5; Disadvantages Cursed
- Demographics
- Government overlord
- Population 23 (23 humans)
- Notable NPCs
- Patriarch Father Humms (CE male human ranger 3)
- Village Idiot Junior Humms (CN male human barbarian 1)
- Witch Mother Twixt (NE female human adept 4)
- Marketplace
- Base Value 200 gp; Purchase Limit 1,000 gp; Spellcasting 2nd
- Minor Items 1d6; Medium Items -; Major Items –
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