The Shiro

The Quintessential Samurai
Author Sam Witt
Publisher Mongoose Publishing
Publish date 2002
In samurai society, a leader cannot lead without a stronghold from which to proclaim his Strength. Serving as a defensive structure, a beautiful estate, and the barracks for his loyal samurai, the daimyo’s castle is a symbol of his prestige and power. Though all samurai yearn for a castle of their own, building such a structure is a certain way to draw the attention of other, more powerful daimyo. When a samurai builds his castle, he must be prepared to defend it against rivals who have no wish to see such a structure rising near their own lands.
Its generally not a good idea to just hare off in search of a site on which to build a castle without discussing the proposition with your daimyo, first. While ronin are certainly capable of starting construction of their castles without input from the local leaders, doing so is bound to irritate the daimyos, most of which are going to have a large number of samurai at their disposal.
The wiser option is to consult with the local political powers and make your intentions known. For samurai with an established daimyo, this is a relatively straightforward process. In most samurai societies, a lord is only allowed direct control over a single castle by allowing his subordinates to build castles along the edges of his territory, he increases the range of his indirect control and protects himself from his enemies. A samurai with honour of at least 10 will rarely be denied permission to construct a castle at the periphery of his lords domain. Those with lower honour will likely need to complete a quest or perform some service for their daimyo before he allows them to build fortifications.
For a ronin, the situation is more difficult. Consulting with local daimyo is likely to result in, at best, a polite rebuff at his overtures for construction. The lords have no desire to allow another of their kind into the area, especially when doing so may curtail their own expansion at some later date. Any ronin who begins building within a days travel (the actual distance varies by terrain) of another daimyos borders is just asking for trouble. Roll once during each month of construction on the table overleaf to determine the outcome of this risky move.
Once a samurai has secured permission (or is willing to accept the consequences for not getting the cooperation of other daimyos), work on the castle may begin. The first step is to find a suitable location.
Ronin Construction Events Table
D20 Roll | Result |
1-5 | No event. |
6 – 10 | Scouts. A group of 1d6 scouts (samurai of 1d3 levels each) arrive to take a look at what’s happening so near their territory. If these samurai are left to their own devices, there are no modifiers to future rolls. If they are attacked or killed however, apply +5 to any future rolls on this table. |
11 – 13 | Saboteurs. A group of hired thugs (2d4 rogues of 1d4 levels each) attempt to sneak into the camp one night and sabotage the workings. If they are not caught, they increase the construction time of the castle by 10% and the cost by 20%. |
14 – 16 | Fire Archers. A group of archers (2d6 samurai of 2d4 levels each) begin firing flaming arrows into the construction site in an attempt to set the infrastructure alight. For each attack of theirs which hits Armour Class 15, the castle’s construction time is increased by 1% and the cost of construction is increased by 2%. If attacked, the samurai defend themselves as they retreat to their own territory. |
17 | Armed attack. A contingent of attackers moves to put a stop to the construction – permanently. 2d4 samurai of 2d6 levels each arrive and issue a challenge to the ronin in charge of the castle. He may choose to either fight their champion or may bring men of his own to meet them in open battle. If the samurai are defeated, the ronin will be allowed to continue building his castle (provided there are no other daimyo with an interest in stopping the project) but if he is defeated his foes will have him killed for his presumptions. |
18 | Offer of allegiance. The ronin is given the opportunity to swear allegiance to a local daimyo. If he agrees, the assaults will stop and the ronin must return to the core samurai class as soon as possible. If he declines the offer, however, next months event will be an armed attack (17, above). |
19 | Assassin. An assassin (equal in level to the ronin) is dispatched to kill the upstart once and for all. Killing the assassin will give the ronin some respite (there will be one month with no events) but offers no protection against future attacks. |
20 | Subversion: A local daimyo uses political and economic pressure to stop the construction of the castle. In essence, he offers the workers who are building the castle more money to come and work for him. The ronin may keep his workers, but doing so increases the cost of construction by 20%. If the ronin decides to get all new workers, he will lose time finding those willing to work for him and will still have to pay 20% extra to keep them from deserting the project. |
Location and Type
Samurai constructing a castle prefer to do so in wilderness areas where they will not come into immediate conflict with rivals. As noted previously, mountainous areas are favoured for their isolation, rugged terrain, and ready supply of building materials. When mountainous areas are not available, for whatever reason, the samurai attempt to build on hills, or rarely, on the plains near a river or other defensible feature. The three most common types of samurai castle, or shiro, are:
- Yamajiro: This mountaintop castle is the favourite amongst the daimyo.
- Hirayamajiro: The main keep of this type of castle is constructed on a hill, with the rest of the castle built around the base of the hill and extensive moats are constructed for defence.
- Hirajiro: The least common type of samurai castle, this fortification is constructed on the plains. In most cases, castles of this type are built as mercantile and political centres first, and defensive structures second. Important daimyos, sheltered from attack by the placement of their allies castles, are more likely to construct castles of this type as a sign of their confidence and as a way to encourage trade by offering ready protection to merchants.
Regardless of the type of castle being built, the samurai lays claim to all the area around it. To be precise, each shiro controls a circular area with a diameter equal to the samurai’s current level or honour, whichever is higher. This territory is considered the sole province of the controlling daimyo and any infringement upon the territory can be viewed as an act of war. As a daimyo increases in level, his territory may increase as well, but it may not grow so large as to infringe upon the territory of another lord due to a level increase. Planning ahead is crucial for the samurai, who benefits most from selecting a wide open territory, empty of nearby samurai, in which to settle. The larger an area is, of course, the more difficult it is for the new daimyo to clear of hostile forces, which must be done before construction of the castle can begin.
Clearing the Territory
Samurai cannot settle in an area overrun with monsters or other hazards. Before construction can begin, it is important to remove the major threats from the area to ensure the safety of construction workers. The table below presents the potential number of threats in areas of a given size.
Threats by Territory Size Table | |
Territory Diameter (in miles) | Threats |
5 | 1 |
6 | 1 |
7 | 2 |
8 | 3 |
9 | 3 |
10 | 4 |
11 | 5 |
12 | 6 |
13 | 7 |
14 | 8 |
15 | 9 |
16 | 10 |
17 | 11 |
18 | 13 |
19 | 14 |
20 | 16 |
The exact nature of a threat is determined by the Games Master but should prove a challenge for the daimyo. In more civilized areas, the threat is likely to be bandits or perhaps a sinister wizard or cleric. In the more remote areas, more monstrous threats are common, such as reclusive dragons, bands of goblinoids, and other threats that rear their ugly heads.
In general, one-half of the threats in an area should have a Challenge Rating from one-half to three-quarters of the new daimyo’s level. A quarter of all threats should range from three-quarters to equal to the new daimyo’s level and the remainder should have Challenge Ratings equal to the daimyo’s level or higher. In no case should a threat have a CR more than 4 levels above the daimyo’s current level threats of this nature are so dire even the most courageous samurai would be unlikely to attempt to construct a castle in the area.
Once a samurai has dealt with all the threats in his new territory, the construction process may begin.
The Value of Land
When a daimyo controls a territory, he begins making income from those who dwell within his lands. The table below indicates the amount of tax income a samurai can expect from a territory of a given size and population in a given month. While the Games Master is the final arbiter of how much income a territory produces, the table below should provide a good beginning guideline.
Income by Territory Size | ||||
Radius (miles) | Heavy Population | Moderate Population | Sparse Population | Wilderness |
5 | 3,000 gp | 2,400 gp | 1,200 gp | 240 gp |
6 | 4,200 gp | 3,360 gp | 1,680 gp | 336 gp |
7 | 5,700 gp | 4,560 gp | 2,280 gp | 456 gp |
8 | 7,500 gp | 6,000 gp | 3,000 gp | 600 gp |
9 | 9,600 gp | 7,680 gp | 3,840 gp | 768 gp |
10 | 11,850 gp | 9,480 gp | 4,740 gp | 948 gp |
11 | 14,250 gp | 11,400 gp | 5,700 gp | 1,140 gp |
12 | 16,950 gp | 13,560 gp | 6,780 gp | 1,356 gp |
13 | 19,950 gp | 15,960 gp | 7,980 gp | 1,596 gp |
14 | 23,100 gp | 18,480 gp | 9,240 gp | 1,848 gp |
15 | 26,550 gp | 21,240 gp | 10,620 gp | 2,124 gp |
16 | 30,150 gp | 24,120 gp | 12,060 gp | 2,412 gp |
17 | 34,050 gp | 27,240 gp | 13,620 gp | 2,724 gp |
18 | 38,100 gp | 30,480 gp | 15,240 gp | 3,048 gp |
19 | 42,600 gp | 34,080 gp | 17,040 gp | 3,408 gp |
20 | 47,100 gp | 37,680 gp | 18,840 gp | 3,768 gp |
The castles of the samurai are not the massive structures of stone favoured by other types of warlord. Instead, the samurai rely on a greater number of thinner, more flexible walls to protect their numbers. Because samurai are not prone to hiding behind castle walls, in any case, sieges are few and the castles are only rarely attacked. When a samurai becomes aware of an approaching army, his first instinct is to attack or negotiate, which removes the need for castles to be able to withstand siege engines. Instead, the shiro are built to confuse and discourage attackers and are constructed as much for aesthetics and prestige as physical defence.
Most samurai castles are constructed primarily of wood and plaster, with stone walls surrounding and supporting the central keep. There are several areas of importance to consider when constructing a shiro, each of which is discussed in some detail below.
Tenshu: The tenshu is the central keep of any shiro. Constructed of wood and plaster, the entire tenshu is constructed around a central pillar which extends upward from the foundation to the highest, central point in the keep. The central pillar is completely concealed once the tenshu is finished, though its location is most often discernible by the way in which the rest of the floors and corridors radiate outward from it. Secret doors and hidden passageways are crucial parts of a tenshus structure and are factored into the cost. High gables and crests are used to increase the height and grandeur of the tenshu, increasing its appearance of power and prestige.
Ishikagi: Walls are an important part of the shiro. Laid out in elaborate patterns, the walls formed numerous isolated compounds, each of which serves as a choke-point for potential invaders. The gates between each compound were always offset from one another at 90 degrees, preventing a concerted charge from one gate to the other. The invaders would, at best, have to make a right-angle turn after each breach and the ensuing confusion over which direction to turn gives defenders a chance to pummel the interlopers with arrow fire or magical assaults.
Ishikagi are constructed by first creating thick earthen ramparts which slope upward from a thick base to a thinner, flat top. Interlocking layers of stone are then seated in the dirt. Because mortar is not used, the walls are able to flex when stressed, which reduces the damage caused by siege engines or Earthquakes by one-half. In general, Ishikagi are 30 feet wide at the base, 20 feet high, and 15 feet wide at the top. The natural slope of the walls is gradual at the base but approaches vertical very quickly.
Dobei: These walls are built by layering plaster over a framework of bamboo or bundled reeds. They are typically constructed along the outer edge of the tops of the ishikagi and serve as cover for guards moving between towers. Samas penetrate this wall at irregular intervals, providing oval openings through which defending archers may fire arrows down on the invaders. Dobei are also built inside the courtyards of a shiro to form mazes which confound invaders. A well designed series of dobei within a courtyard forms a gauntlet through which invaders must travel, being pelted from all sides by arrows fired and spears thrust through the samas.
Korai Mon: The most common gate within the shiro, this two-story structure is constructed of plastered wood. Bands of iron are used to reinforce the gate on both sides and the upper story contains a pair of samurai who may fire arrows through the samas in the floor to deter invaders.
Yagura Mon: The largest gatehouse in the shiro, this two-storey structure is wider and taller than the Korai Mon. The yagura mon is generally used at the main entrance to the shiro and where any gate faces the courtyard of the tenshu. As many as ten archers can be stationed in the upper storey of the yagura mon. Armed with bows, they can fire arrows down into the bodies of invaders in an attempt to slow or stop an invasion. The massive wooden gates are closed using a complex gear system and are bound in iron to further reinforce them. Thick layers of resin prevent the yagura mon from burning should intruders attempt that trick.
Sumiyagura: These corner towers are used by archers to pin down invaders and by watchmen to keep an eye on roads leading to the shiro. Where possible, they also serve as the home for large signalling mirrors, which are useful for sending messages between shiro where line of sight is not obstructed. Like the other buildings in a shiro, the walls and floor of a sumiyagura are constructed from wood. The walls are then plated with layers of plaster and reeds for fireproofing.
Hori: Moats are a popular part of samurai castles, not only for their defensive protection, but also because of their soothing effect on the inhabitants. Where possible, the shiro uses streams or rivers to provide fresh water for their moats, bringing a bit of comfort and serenity into the grounds of the shiro itself. Ornamental fish and water flowers are a frequent addition to the hori, which are also landscaping elements in the design of the various courtyards of a shiro.
Underground Tunnels: The samurai love surprises in their castles, especially those which serve a tactical purpose. Underground tunnels are especially prevalent in long standing shiro, where engineers can create elaborate subterranean mazes through which defending samurai may move quickly and quietly. More than one attacker has suffered a tragic loss when a contingent of samurai appeared behind them, thanks to the well-designed underground tunnels.
Construction List | |||||
Construction | Cost | Height | Width | Length | Structure Points |
Yagura Mon | 4,500 gp | 30 ft. | 20 ft. | 50 ft. | 300 |
Korai Mon | 3,000 gp | 20 ft. | 20 ft. | 20 ft. | 75 |
Tenshu | 80,000 gp | 80 ft. | 40 ft. | 40 ft. | 700 |
Hori | 500 gp | 20 ft. | 20 ft. | 100 ft. | – |
Outbuilding | 600 gp | 10 ft. | 20 ft. | 20 ft. | – |
Sumiyagura | 8,000 gp | 30 ft. | 20 ft. | 20 ft. | 300 |
Underground corridor | 150 gp | 10 ft. | 5 ft. | 5 ft. | – |
Ishikagi | 4,000 gp | 20 ft. | 30 ft. | 100 ft. | 300 |
Dobei | 100 gp | 10 ft. | 2 ft. | 100 ft. | 50 |
Staff of the Shiro
Unlike feudal castles, there are fewer positions of employment within the shiro. Samurai fill most of the military positions, with only the madoshi being granted to a non-samurai. On the other hand, civilian experts of all kinds are hired by the daimyo on an as-needed basis to fulfil roles within the shiro. Though there are no chefs, grooms, or other non-military tasks listed in the table below, these positions are still filled by individuals hired by the samurai to care for their needs. In this way, the daimyo is sure that the money from his samurai is making its way back into the community he oversees and the samurai are encouraged to deal more directly with the people of the shiro.
Staff Member | Cost per Month |
Ashigaru | 5 gp |
Gusuko Bugyo | 125 gp |
Hihiin Bugyo | 100 gp |
Hyubo Sho | 2,000 gp |
Kuni Bugyo | 125 gp |
Madoshi | 800 gp |
Yumi Ya Bugyo | 100 gp |
Ashigaru: These footsoldiers make up the bulk of the fighting force within a shiro. It is expected the daimyo maintains a force of these light foot fighters equal to 10% of the Shiro’s civilian population (roughly 100 civilians per mile of the daimyo’s immediate territory live within the shiro).
Gusuko Bugyo: This man is in charge of all armour within the shiro. Though most samurai prefer to maintain their own equipment, the gusuko bugyo is responsible for ensuring a steady supply of replacement pieces and the armour worn by the ashigaru. One gusuko bugyo is needed for every 100 armed men within the shiro if fewer guskuo bugyo are available, all armed men within suffer a 1 Armour Class penalty due to the poor repair of their armour until enough gusuko bugyo are hired.
Hihiin Bugyo: This man is in charge of the horses within the shiro. One hihiin bugyo is required for every 20 horses kept within the castle. When there are not enough hihiin bugyo, all samurai suffer a 1 circumstance penalty to all Ride skill checks until there are enough hihiin bugyo to care for all the horses.
Hyubo Sho: The leader of the Shiro’s military forces. The responsibilities of this position are varied and require a great deal of versatility. From commanding the military defences of the shiro to overseeing the training of new samurai, the hyubo sho is expected to lead his men by example and is responsible for their every action. Few samurai last long in this office, most retire after a few years of loyal, if stressful, service. The hyubo sho is a samurai of level equal to half the daimyos level.
Kuni Bugyo: Because the shiro is a city unto itself, there is a need for law enforcement. Younger samurai and those who are too injured to be of use in a real battle are often assigned police duty. The Kuni Bugyo oversees the operation of these units of samurai and is responsible for eradicating crime wherever it rears its head in the shiro.
Madoshi: The madoshi oversees the magical and alchemical needs of the daimyo. This wizard is able to create potions or magical items, at the discretion of the Games Master, but is most often charged with protecting the shiro from magical attack. A madoshi is always one-half the level the daimyos level.
Yumi Ya Bugyo: This officer oversees the weaponry of the shiro though his position does not include any responsibility for katana or wakizashi. The shiro requires one yumi ya bugyo for every 100 armed men within. Non-samurai troops suffer a 1 penalty to all attack and damage rolls during combat if there are not the appropriate number of yumi ya bugyo. This penalty persists until enough men are hired.
Maintaining the Castle
Each month, the daimyo must spend 10% of the shiros value for maintenance. When the cost of the staff is added in, it becomes apparent just how expensive maintaining one of these castles can be. Because a daimyo is responsible for the upkeep of his samurai, expenses creep ever higher. Offsetting these expenses is a prime function of the adventuring samurai who, in addition to not receiving a stipend, are also expected to donate a portion of their proceeds to their lord each month.
A castle that is not maintained is in danger of fire, collapse, and other unsavoury issues. For each month maintenance is not paid, the Games Master is encouraged to visit some problem or other on the shiro. Fire is by far the most common problem, but disease, social unrest,
and other disasters are not uncommon.